276 BCE
Eratosthenes Birth
240 BCE
Eratosthenes measures circumference of the Earth
194 BCE
Eratosthenes Death
Ptolemy birth
Ptolemy begins observing solar system and stars
Ptolemy develops Geocentric view
Ptolemy makes last observations of solar system
Ptolemy death
Feb 19, 1473
Copernicus birth
Copernicus notices contradictions between Aristotle's theory of the solar system and Ptolemy's explanation using eccentric orbits and epicycles
Copernicus finished writing Little Commentary, expounds heliocentric theory
Copernicus completes On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres
May 24, 1543
Copernicus death
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo birth
Galileo invents first telescope
Galileo discovers Jupiter
Galileo publishes first book
Galileo's second book
Galileo death
Newton birth
Newton publishes first book
Newton becomes president of the Royal Society
Newton publishes second book
Newton death
Darwin Birth
Mendeleev Birth
Darwin goes on voyage to Galapagos
Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
Mendeleev wrote "Organic Chemistry"
Curie Birth
Mendeleev published the first edition of "Principles of Chemistry" about inorganic chemistry
Mendeleev had a dream of the periodic table
Mendeleev's idea of the periodic table is stolen by Julius Lother Meyer
Wegner Birth
Darwin Death
Curie gets degree in Physics
Wilhelm Roentgen Discovers X-rays
Discovers "polonium" and later "radium" two highly radioactive elements
Curie and her husband receive Nobel Prize in physics
Hess' Birth
Mendeleev Death
Curie receives second Nobel Prize in chemistry
Wegener publishes The Origin of Continents and Oceans
Crick Birth
Franklin Birth
Watson Birth
Wegner Death
Curie Death
Pauling starts x-ray crystallography
(early 1950s) -
Wilkins shows diffraction image to Watson
Watson and Crick publish A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Franklin Death
Hess publishes History of Ocean Basins
discusses theory of "seafloor spreading" -
Geophysicists realize that Earth's magnetic field has reversed polarity numerous times
Hess' Death
Crick Death