First women's rights convention
The covention was held in Seneca Falls,New York. It consisted of 32 men and 68 women.They all signed the Decleration of Sentiments. -
Period: to
Women's rights http://www.infoplease.com/spot/womenstimeline1.html
first National Women's Rights Convention takes place in Worcester, Mass.,
1,000 people showed up. -
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman's Sufferage Association
The goal of this association was to achive voting rights for women. -
Wyoming passes first woman's sufferage law
In 1870 the women of Wyoming can begin voting and serving on juries. -
NWSA and AWSA merge to form NWSA
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony merge their associations. -
National Association of colored women was formed
some of the leaders in the black women's club movement were Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Mary Church Terrell, and Anna Julia Cooper. -
The national woman's trade union league
The national woman's trade union league wants better wages and working conditions for women. -
Federal woman's sufferage amendment
19th Amendment signed
National Council of Negro women
Mary McLeod Bethune organized the National Council of Negro Women, a coalition of black women's groups that lobbies against job discrimination, racism, and sexism.