Changes to Society in Europe

  • Paving Acts - city living

    Paving Acts - city living
    The paving acts allowed more efficient drainage and mending of roads, and helping to keep local trade flowing. Regular street cleaning was implemented to ensure a clear passageway for traffic, while hazardous shop signs hanging overhead were ordered to be removed.
  • Steam Engine - work life

    Steam Engine - work life
    The invention of the practical steam engine by James Watt impacted the Industrial Revolution by making factory work and transportation easier
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    Child labor - family life

    Young children were forced to work in factories and mines to support their families
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    Industrial Revolution - work life

    The Industrial Revolution was a time of major change to how work was done. It was a turn to manufacturing processes and less of a focus on agriculture
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    Population Boom - social life

    In the late 18th century and early 19th century there was a large increase in population due to new food crops, the creation of cities, and healthier lifestyles
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    French Revolution - political environment

    The French People lead an uprising against the monarchy, and established The French Republic. Other countries waged war on France to prevent revolutionary ideas from spreading.
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    Romanticism - social life

    Romanticism was a movement in literature and arts focusing on inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual
  • Cotton Gin - work life

    Cotton Gin - work life
    The invention of the Cotton Gin made production of cotton much faster but also had negative effects like an increase to slavery
  • Congress of Vienna - political environment

    Congress of Vienna - political environment
    France had to return most of its art and give gained land to Switzerland and the Dutch.
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    Rise of Nationalism - political environment

    Citizens began to have an increase of pride in their country and cultural identity. This lead to many new nations forming.
  • Factory Act - work life

    Factory Act - work life
    The Factory Act was passed to limit the age and hours a children can work in workplaces
  • Poor Laws revised - city living

    Poor Laws revised - city living
    This law reduced the cost of looking after the poor. Under this law, parishes were grouped into unions, and each union had to build a workhouse if they did not have one
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    Decline of Death Rates - social life

    The decline of death rates was one of the factors to the population boom and was caused by the increase of sanitation and new discoveries in health sciences
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    Realism - social life

    Realism came after Romanticism and people began to focus on accepting a situation as it is and to deal with it accordingly. In the arts it was also known as Naturalism and it was more of a focus on truth and how things really are
  • Separate Spheres - family life

    Separate Spheres - family life
    The idea that women took care of the home while the husband was the primary wage earner
  • Urban Planning Re-introduced - city living

    Urban Planning Re-introduced - city living
    It included the demolition of medieval neighborhoods that were too overcrowded and unhealthy by officials at the time. It included the building of wide avenues and new parks and squares.
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    Working Conditions - work life

    At the end of the Industrial Revolution, working conditions began to improve
  • Publication of the Communists Manifesto - political environment

    Publication of the Communists Manifesto - political environment
    Karl Marx’s book lead to the socialist and communist parties gaining increased support.
  • Electric Street-Cars - city living

    Electric Street-Cars - city living
    This modernized ways of transportation and replaced horse drawn buggies. It also allowed a larger seating capacity and became the best way of transportation.
  • The Foundation of Life - family life

    The Foundation of Life - family life
    By the year 1900, family and home became the foundation of life