changes in transprotation

  • steamboats

    British and American inventors had been laboring from the 1780's to attach steam power to boats, allowing them to move against a river current.
  • steamboats

    Transportation that could move people and goods upstream would create a new economy and new towns, and would bring unimagined luxuries to the settlers.
  • steamboats

    Steamboats were employed along the east coast by the time of the War of 1812, and Fulton held a legal monopoly on design.
  • Train

    Yet, Baltimore was 200 miles closer to the frontier than New York and soon recognized that the development of a railway could make the city more competitive with New York and the Erie Canal in transporting people and goods to the West.
  • Trains

    Mohawk & Hudson railroad reduced a 40-mile wandering canal trip that took all day to accomplish to a 17-mile trip that took less than an hour. Its first steam engine was named the DeWitt Clinton after the builder of the Erie Canal.