Changes in the US economy from the 1700's to the 2000's

  • Period: to

    Production of Services

  • Colonists Found Jamestown

    Colonists Found Jamestown
    This is a big deal because if the colonists wouldn't have founded Jamestown the United States wouldn;t have been founded. This started a whole new nation and eventually a new economy. I would say that this is a recession because the US had barely any members and they all almost starved to death but John Smith kept them going.
  • Puritans settle in Massachusetts

    Puritans settle in Massachusetts
    The Puritans coming over to America from Europe was a big event. America barely had any citizens but when the Puritans started coming over they brought new ways of farming to America. This would be during a recovery stage because no one was really settled in America and they really didnt have an economy.
  • Navigation Acts put into place

    Navigation Acts put into place
    The navigation acts was a bill placed in by England that said they could not trade with anyone else except for England which upset the Americans. This event would be at a time of recession because England would always tax us and now we couldnt trade with anyone else.
  • Cotton Becomes Big Crop in the US

    Cotton Becomes Big Crop in the US
    Cotton has been a big crop in the US since around 1700. It became one of America's cash crops. That is why I would say this would be prosperity due to cotton being a crop that could fetch a lot of cash and help the US economy.
  • Period: to

    Agriculture Period

  • Benjamin Franklin is born

    Benjamin Franklin is born
    When Benjamin Franklin was born it was the start of a printer. Benjamin Franklin was big on newspapers. He started the first newspaper ever with his brother. This would start the beginning of advertisements for companies. This would be during the recovery stage because the Americans would have to fight England.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Slaves Imported Reach Record High

    Slaves Imported Reach Record High
    Slaves were a huge part of thwe American Economy in the agriculture period. They would increase production for nothing for pay. This would be in the prosperity stage because everybody had a slave and the economy was booming. 74,000 slaves were imported every year
  • Revoltuinoary War

    Revoltuinoary War
    The revolutionary war was a war that won the US its freedom. However, it left the US in a lot of debt so I would say that this would be recession due to the amount of debt we were in and how much the economy decreased.
  • Cotton Gin Created

    Cotton Gin Created
    When the cotton gin was created this innovated the way people could prduce cotton because the cotton gin would pick out the seeds from the cotton. This would be prosperity because the economy would eventually increase due to production of cotton increasing.
  • Interchangable Parts

    Interchangable Parts
    Interchangable parts was a huge invention by Eli Whitney. Instead of having to go abd buy a new gun when your gun breaks, you can buy parts for it and save a lot of money. This would be during the prosperity stage because this was right around the time when there were big businesses and the economy was booming.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    I would consider this apart of the agriculture stage because it gave the US a lot more farming land. Four cents an acre is a bargain. I would say that this would be part of recovery because we just got done with the revolutionary war.
  • Congress puts ban on slaves coming into the United States

    Congress puts ban on slaves coming into the United States This is a significant event in American history that changed our economy because we no longer could import slaves into our economy. This means that the slave population will start to decline which means production will steadily decline. This is probably the stage of depression in the business cycle.
  • Telegraph Invented

    Telegraph Invented
    When the telegraph was invented it gave people a way to communicate without people traveling to send the messages. This was huge in war. That is why I would say that this would be in the recovery stage because it was something no one has come up with before. It was an innovation.
  • Football rules started to be made

    Football rules started to be made
    The creation of football had a huge economic impact of the United States. Today the NFL is a multi-billion dollar company, and it helps the economy because peopl buy tickets and jerseys all the time. This would be in the prosperity stage of the business cycle because the creation of football started a huge company in the NFL.
  • Period: to

    Information Technology

  • First commercial computer made

    First commercial computer made The first commercial computer being made was probably one of the biggest inventions of all time. I would have to say this falls into the prosperity stage. I say this because almost everyone in the United states has a computer. So everyone had to pay for one and in turn helping our economy.
  • First computer game made

    First computer game made
    The first computer game being made has led to all sorts of different games like Call of duty and World of Warcraft. This would be the recovery stage because no one else has come up with a video game so it would be an innovation.
  • Internet created

    Internet created
    With the internet being created people could communicate with each other without physically being there. This is huge and caused people to want their own computer. This would be prosperity because it caused more people to buy more things
  • First Macintosh Computer made

    First Macintosh Computer made
    This is the first computer made affordable to consumers. This would be apart of the prosperity stage because this caused people to buy computers so it would increase the economy. It could also be the recovery stage because it could be an innovation that no one else came up with.
  • First iPod created

    First iPod created
    The first ipod being created started a revolution from 2001 to now. I feel that this would be prosperity because people are still buying tons of ipod's today which in turn is helping our GDP.