A new map of europe according to the newest observations by h moll c3jyy1

Changes in Europe 1700-1900

  • Growth of Cities

    Growth of Cities
    The factories and conveniences brought more poeple to cities. More transportation and entertainment were major improvements from country life. Overcrowding and hygiene became big issues and caused diseases.
  • Ideals of the French Revolution Spread

    Ideals of the French Revolution Spread
    The French Revolution inspired liberty and democratic rights through all of Europe. It inspired the Age of Revolutions (1830-1848) and independence ideas (Haitian Revolution).
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    The March on Versailles showed the strength and power of the people. It was a turning point for the French monarchy.
  • Job Shifts

    Job Shifts
    Starting in 1800, jobs grew along with the Industrial Revolution, many farms with improved technology were more efficient and so more workforce was focused on factory jobs.
  • Cities Enticed a Young Population

    Cities Enticed a Young Population
    Starting in 1805 and beyond, cities had a young population due to the attraction of stable full time jobs and plentiful entertainment.
  • Gap Between Classes Shrunk

    Gap Between Classes Shrunk
    Before 1815 the gap in classes was greater than after 1815 because wages were lower and food prices were higher.
  • Period: to

    Work Conditions Became Safer

    The Factory Act (1833) limited work hours for children in factories. The Mines Act (1834) prohibited underground work (in mines) for all women and boys under 10. The conditions also became safer with more precautions and cleaner work areas.
  • Slavery Abolished in Britain

    Slavery Abolished in Britain
    Slavery was outlawed throughout the British Empire.
  • Marriage Act 1836

    Marriage Act 1836
    Before this Act, a marriage had to take place in an Anglican Church and be officiated by an Anglican priest. this meant that Jews, Roman Catholics, and Islams had to be married according to Anglican rules. after the Marriage Act of 1836, it was easier for these people and even Anglican peasants to be married
  • Balance of Power Between Countries

    Balance of Power Between Countries
    The balance of power between countries began after the congress of Vienna. The countries focused on this within Europe to avoid a supreme ruler (like Napoleon) again.
  • Romantic Love Became More Common

    Romantic Love Became More Common
    During this time women wanted to choose their own husbands and romantic love became more common than arranged love.
  • New Political Ideas Spread

    New Political Ideas Spread
    Nationalism, the feeling of unity to a country or group, was a big idea brought forth by the Revolutions of 1848. The socialist movement, generated by Karl Marx and early socialist thinkers, also brought new ideas to society.
  • Sports

    The wealthy played polo and hunted for sport. The lower class mainly played rugby. Cricket was played by everyone.
  • Loving Families

    Loving Families
    Families became more loving. Parents were more attached to their children because infant mortality rate started decreasing.
  • Period: to

    Haussmann’s Projects

    His main focus was creating more space and parks in Paris. He also focused on a way to get clean water, better housing, and sewage systems for Paris.
  • Matrimonial Causes Act

    Matrimonial Causes Act
    People couldn’t get a divorce before this act and now only men can ask for the divorce.
  • English Women Gained Property Rights

    English Women Gained Property Rights
    Married women were allowed to keep the wages they earned and to inherit property.
  • Air and Water Pollution

    Air and Water Pollution
    A heavy fog surrounded London for the first time, killing many in the city. These fogs continued until the 1950s. Smoke, and water pollution significantly decreased quality of life.
  • Alliances

    Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance
  • Electric Streetcars

    Electric Streetcars
    Electric streetcars made it faster and easier to get around the city.