Steam Engine
The steam engine was invented by Thomas Savery. He built the steam engine to help pump water out of coal mines. This affected Britans production of coal becase people could mine more, because there was no water in the mines. Which in turn also sped up production of other british goods. -
The Flying Shuttle
The Fkying shuttle was invented by John Kay, this machine made weaving automatic. This sped up the production of cloths. This means that the British began to trade even more with india. -
Industrial Revolution
Industrail Revulution begins with the mining of coal. It then led to massive technological advancments which in turn allowed the British to take over 88% of the planets economy with colonies. -
Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny in Stanhill, Oswaldtwistle. This machine allowed cotton to be threded much quicker then ever before. This made even stronger ties with india because they began to trade even more with them. -
Sugar Act
Levying duty on sugar, wine , and textiles into their american colonies. This was another decision that pushed the americans towards their revolution which impavted britian heavily. -
Mass mining of coal begins. THhis event really begins to propel the Industrial revolution forward because there are now multiple companies mining for coal and extracting a lot of it. -
Stamp Act
The stamp act was put in place by the British Parlemept to extract prophit from their American Counterparts. But this act was reapealed in 1766. This and other things eventualy made the Americans have a revolution, which would make the british lose on of its most powerful colonies. This was a huge change for the British empire. -
Tea Act
The british passed the Tea Act to reduce the amount of tea that the country had. This helped the British East India Trading Company Last a little longer. The tea act was also the last little nudge that the american colonies needed to start their revolution. Thi swill eventually make the British fall and the Americans will become the new world power. -
Steam Boat
The Steam Boat was first built in 1787 by John Fitch. It made its first successful voyage of 48 feet that year. This was a huge step for Britian because they could now export goods faster. They were also able to travel up stream for the first time. This made trade across sea skyrocket. -
The Cotton GIn
The Cotton Gin was invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney. This machine seperated cotton fibers from the seeds automaticaly. This sped up the production of clothes, because one slave could manige the machine and do the work of fifty slaves. This made British production even faster. -
Steam Train
The first steam powered train was invented in 1804 by Richard Trevithick. Its pourpose was to speed up the transportation of goods from point A to point B. This machione a lot like the steam boat completey changed the trading game for great britian, becuase they could now trade so much faster then ever before. -
First Opium War
First Opium War was between 1839-1842. It ended by the Treaty of Nanjing. The treaty gave the British extraterritoriality powers over Hong Kong. after the opium war the british made their own laws to make sure they were in a better situation then the chinease. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin conference was between 14 different European countries. This conference set up the rules for the Scramble of Africa. It also prevented anymore wars between European countries.This changed the british empire, because they were now ready to and take over as much of africa as they could. And they couldnt take slaves from africa any more. -
Steel in Britan
Advancments in steel production really propelled britian in the industrial revolution. This allowed them to make stronger and more advanced wepons and modes of transportation. This assisted the british because they now had better tools then the rest of the world. -
The British East India Trading Company
The British East India Trading Company was a company that went into china by itself and single handedly put a british colonie there throughh trade. Later the government came and took over the operation, but the company was still involved and making profits of the trade of spices, cotton, and ext. This helps make the british the top trader in the world. -
Second Opium War
Britian fought to make the trade of opium legal and to open China to British merchants. Also the French joined the British in this war. This war was also known as the Arrow War. -
Anglo Zulu War
The Anglo Zulu war was between the natives of Africa (Zulu) and the British colonie that had taken over the southern tip of africa. The Zulu only won one battle, that is because they stood no chance against the britih wepons. This let the British get all of the land in africa that had the gold, and the diamonds. This made the british very rich from there colonies in africa. -
Beginning of Scramble for Africa
European countries began invading, uniting, and colinizing Africa for natural resources and labor. This ties to our thesis because it shows a change in trade with Africa. Before the British would trade slaves and they are now trading recources. -
Anglo vs Boer War
This was a war between the dutch settilers and the new english merchants for the southern tip of Africa. The English eventualy won and pushed the dutch further into africa's heart. This made the british one of the best contenders in the scramble of africa, because right after it started they already controlled the souuthern tip. And no one else had the technology to kick them out. -
End of Scramble for Africa
European countries obtained a majority of raw materials. They also finished colonizing Africa. By this time all of Africa's land was colonized so no more Eurpoean countries entered Africa. The end of the scramble of africa changed the world. Because it set in stone the strongest european colonies. This basically determined who where the world powers. This is until the American revolution