Launched by NASA
Chandra X-ray Observatory is launched by NASA from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. It was shuttled out of the atmosphere by STS-93. Chandra is one of NASA's four great observatories.
image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:STS-93_Payload_Bay_Door_Closure_-_GPN-2000-000854.jpg -
Cassiopeia A
Chandra's first light image was of the supernova remanant of Cassiopeia A, in the constellation Cassiopeia. A 'first light' image is the first image reported back by a new telescope. This was astronomer's first glimpses at a solid object within the remanant.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/1999/0237/ -
Abell 2142 is photographed and mapped by Chandra to reveal hidden pressure fronts in the area. These pressurized areas reveal that there are new galaxies forming from various clusters. These clusters are going through a collision phase.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/a2142/ -
Crab Nebula Ring
Chandra reveals a never-before-seen ring around the central pulsar and jets of the Crab nebula. This increases our knowledge of the structure of the nebula. These observations were only ever partially seen by lesser sattelites and telescopes. image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/1999/0237/ -
Observation of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) reveals 'cooler' xray gasses. 'Cooler' gasses mean that the gasses observed are several million degrees cooler than the surrounding gasses. The Andromeda gasses are slowly spiraling towards the center, at a faster rate than expected.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/0007/ -
GRB 991216
Chandra observes a gamma ray burst (hence 'GRB') from a star located within the constellation Pices, using HETG and ACIS to piece together a composite image of the event. HETG stands for "High Energy Transmission Grating." ACIS stands for "Advanced Charge-Coupled Device Imaging Spectrometer"
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/0596/ -
Saggitarius A
Observes Saggitarius A near the center of our own galaxy. While observing it, it notes a supermassive black hole. It took a picture (big surprise there).
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/0204/ -
RX J1856.5-3754 and 3C58
A new form of matter is discovered by Chandra. It is one of the more debated Chandra discoveries. Found in the region of previously thought-to-be-pulsars RX J1856.5-3754 and 3C58.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2002/0211/ -
Gamma-ray Bursts
Gamma ray bursts are observed. They probably originated in star forming regions. They are catalogued by both Chandra and BeppoSAX, a European space telescope.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/press/01_releases/press_040401.html -
TWA 5B, a brown dwarf, is observed orbiting near the binary system TWA 5A. A binary system is a solar system with two suns orbiting around each other. This certain binary system can be observed in the constellation Hydra.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2003/twa5b/ -
Messier 87
Observation of a supermassive black hole in Messier 87 indicate massive amounts of pressure and shock waves within the relative area. Astronomers likened the event to a volcanic eruption. The entire event is produced by energized particles being emitted by a black hole.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2010/m87/ -
Perseus A (NGC 1275)
Perseus A is observed by Chandra over the course of two days, creating a massive image (August 8-10, 2002). The galaxy discovered is a well-known source of cosmic radio waves. The whole galaxy often appears to be in turmoil, although readings show that it is quite stable.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2008/perseus/ -
Perseus Cluster Supermassive Black Hole
A supermassive black hole is discovered in the Perseus cluster, by means of observing massive, violent soundwaves emminating from the black hole in question. The minor galaxy was observed by Chandra both in colour and then x-rayed, to obtain a negative image of the events. The darker rings show high points, while the white rings show low points in the wavelength.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2003/perseus/ -
Titan and the Crab Nebula
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, made a visible pass over the Crab Nebula. Even thought Titan passes near the nebula about every 30 years, it only ever passes directly in front of it rarely. The last time this happened has been calculated to the year 1024, and the next predicted time is about 2246.
image:http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2004/titan/ -
Main Sequence Stars
Chandra discovers that all main sequence stars emit x-rays. Although it was assumed, Chandra's observations prove it. The main sequence is the course that a majority (85%) of all stars will follow throughout their life. note: exact date is unknown. -
Dark Matter
Chandra discovers strong evidence that dark matter does exist in the universe. Important event because it was previously uncertain if dark matter did exist, even with the limited proof. Chandra was the first telescope to record valid proof.
Took place over the course of many days, scaling August 10th through 25th.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2006/1e0657/ -
Bullet Cluster
Observations of the Bullet Cluster allow for calculations on the approximate maximum of dark matter that may be present in a given area. This was taken the same day that the 'discovery' of dark matter was made. It is a subject still being observed.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2008/bullet/ -
"Hand of God"
Chandra observes the pulsar PSR B1509-58, which is a rapildly spinning star pouring energy into space in elaborate forms. This was the gas emmission that spooked many astronomers due to its hand-like appearance. The appearance also gave it the nickname 'Hand of God.'
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2009/b1509/ -
Chandra produces first xray images of a shock emission from a supernova. The shock emission of a supernova is the ring of gas and energy produced after a star explodes at the end of its life. This ring will then either become a nebula, could potentialy form a new solar system or star, or could become a black hole by collapsing on itself.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2005/sn87a/ -
J0617 in IC 443
J0617, a neutron star, is observed in the supernova remanants of IC 443. IC 443 is a nebula that was created when a star went supernova. It is located in the constellation Gemini.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2006/ic443/ -
Protoplanetary Disks
Chandra observes protoplanetary disks forming in the Orion nebula, near Sun-like stars. A protoplanetary disk is the beginning of a solar system. Astronomers are hopeful that these protoplanetary disks might someday form habitable planets.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/chronicle/0205/orion/ -
M82 Black Holes
Observation of the galaxy M82 reveals what may be the key to understanding how black holes work. Chandra discovers two black holes named "X42.3+59" and "X41.4+60." The larger is observed almost directly in the center of the galaxy, while the smaller is observed to be several thousand AUs away from the larger; while this is a large measurement, it is relatively small in terms of a galaxy.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2010/m82/ -
Hubble Constant Determined
Chandra determines the Hubble constant. The Hubble constant is a critically important number pertaining to the rate at which the universe expands. Chandra is the first telescope/computer to independantly calculate this number and get the same result as human mathematicians and astrophysicists.
image: http://chandra.harvard.edu/press/06_releases/press_080806.html