Birth of Community Colleges
During the early 1900s, community colleges begin as outgrowth of high schools and appendages of universities. -
CA authorized grades 13 & 14
Helping the spread of community colleges in the West, California authorized high schools to begin grades 13 & 14. -
Phoenix College
Phoenix Union High School District launches junior college -
More than 300 CC founded in USA
450 Junior colleges established throught USA
GI Bill passes resulting in increases CC enrollment
Columbia University Teachers College creates guidline for establishing CC
MCCCD created
Vocation Education Act passes increasing funding to vocational programs and thereby altering CC missions to include vocational training
Mesa Community College Established
Chandler Gilbert Education Center opened as MCC satellite
CGCC aviation program created
CGCC Service Learning Internationally Recognized
More than 1,100 commuity colleges around the USA