Chana's Jewish Timeline

  • Birth

  • Start at The Agnon School (pluralistic Day School in Cleveland, OH)

  • First trip to Israel with my family

  • Parents separate and divorce

  • Had Diane Lavine as a Tanach teacher

    Diane was my 6th and 7th grade Tanach teacher. She was always so excited to see us and made learning Tanach fun! She would constantly act out scenes from the Tanach to get us into the story and she taught Tanach as if it were a story, which made me much more engaged.
  • Bat Mitzvah in Israel

  • Bat Mitzvah in America

  • Graduate from The Agnon School (8th grade)

  • first USY convention

  • Dad remarries

  • Baby Brother born

  • elected to regional board for USY

  • USY Israel Pilgramige

    During the 2014 Gaza war
  • elected regional president for USY

  • Diller (Cleveland- Beit Shaan exchange program) and exploring Israel on my own for the first time

  • Start getting involved with Hillel and Chabad at Ohio State

  • elected to Chabad Executive board

  • First summer staffing USY on Wheels

  • Period: to

    Small Baalat Tesuvah (becoming Orthodox) stage

  • Protect OSU (anti-BDS) Co-chair

  • Protect OSU (anti-BDS) Lead Chair

  • Chabad on Campus trip to Poland

  • Elected to Buckeyes for Israel board

  • Staff USY on Wheels for a second summer

  • Nachshon Project Fellow

    Semester abroad at Hebrew University
  • Elected Buckeyes for Israel President

  • Staff USY Poland/ Israel pilgarmige

  • Graduate from Ohio State (and all Hillel/ Chabad/ Israel involvements)

  • Start Pardes Educators Program