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Challenges Lyndon B. Johnson faced as President

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    Vietnam War

    This was one of the greatest challenges that Lyndon B Johnson faced as president
  • Lyndon B Johnson becomes President

    Lyndon B Johnson becomes President
    Lyndon B Johnson became president when President Kennedy was assassinated. Kennedy had great dreams for the country, and trying to fill his shoes was a challenge that Johnson accepted, promising to make the former president's dreams a reality and declaring a "war on poverty".
    Image "President Lyndon B. Johnson Sworn in Aboard Air Force One" Staff. "Lyndon B. Johnson." A&E Television Networks, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 10 May 2016.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    Kennedy was trying to pass the Civil rights act, but was unable to. The bill passed through congress, but some southern senators started a filibuster that almost prevented it's passing, lasting 72 days. When the bill was finally passed, there were several civil rights leaders there, like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.
    "The Civil Rights Act of 1964." - Constitutional Rights Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016.
    Image "Lyndon Johnson Signs Civil Rights Act of 1964"
  • The Voting Rights Act

    The Voting Rights Act
    The voting rights act of 1965 was an act that was put into action after there were acts of violence against voting rights activists. The act did not have the difficulties passing through the congress or senate like the previous one, but it was poorly enforced in many southern states and sometimes ignored outright. Staff. "Voting Rights Act." A&E Television Networks, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 15 May 2016.
    Image: Voting Rights Act Of 1965
  • Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Aleksei Kosygin

    Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Aleksei Kosygin
    This was just one of many events that added up to be a certain low point in Johnson's career. He, like many presidents before him, wanted badly to win the Vietnam War, but he saw no success, even when he sent over 500,000 men to Vietnam. This cause him to lose support of even his own party. Many people held protests against the costly war.
    "Lyndon B. Johnson Meets with Aleksei Kosygin." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 15 May 2016.
    Image: Aleksei N. Kosygin Getty Images
  • Astronauts Successfully Orbit the Moon

    Astronauts Successfully Orbit the Moon
    Johnson faced many challenges, but he also did many things for the country through his Great Society Program. One part of this was the space program, which helped the country make spectacular explorations of space.
    "Lyndon B. Johnson." The White House. The White House, 30 Dec. 2014. Web. 15 May 2016.
    Image: TIME Magazine Cover: Race for the Moon -- Dec. 6, 1968