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French Revolution
The French decided to rebel against their king, King Louis XVI. They were successful and ended up beheading the king and queen in 1793. After that they decided to make a republic government, like America. This did not help thin the tension between France and England. That made French feel uncomfortable, that's when they decided to start attacking British ships. -
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Conflict in the Northwest Territory and the Treaty of Greenville
The main problem with the Northwest is that so many colonies and people needed that area, mainly for trading. The main people fighting over this area were the British, French, Indian, and American. This lead to the French and Indian war, and the Northwest Indian War. The French and Indian War ended in the Treaty of Paris, and the Northwest Indian War ended in the Treaty of Greenville. -
The Whiskey Rebellion
Alexander Hamilton was trying to repay the war debt and decides it's best to split the debt throughout the states. One of the easiest ways to do that is tax things that the people usually use. In this case whiskey. A lot of people liked whiskey and it was great for making money and trading. The farmers did not like the taxing on it and decided to rebel. The rebellion ended up disbanding. -
Washington's Decided Opinion
The French was asking America to help them attack British ships after the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson debated that they should help the French, Alexander Hamilton debated that it was a bad idea. A point on Jeffersons side is that the French helped America when they were trying to split from England. A point on Hamilton's side of the argument is that the attack on British ships didn't have a reason behind it except that the French just disliked the British. Washington decided not to help. -
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The Signing of Jay's and Pinckney's Treaty
After the Revolutionary war, America needed to live successfully and trading was a big part of that. The thing was all their trading routes with other countries were blocked off. That meant they needed treaties. Thats what lead to Jay's Treaty which let America and Britain trade. There was also Pinckney's Treaty which just a friendship treaty, and defined their boundaries. -
Washington Stops Being President
George Washington was starting to get tired of being president and wanted to spend more time at home. After being president he spent time working on his plantation and business plans. One of his plantations were attacked by Indians, which made selling plants hard after that. The treaty with France was doing poorly and even started some fights, so President John Adams asked George if he wanted to be lieutenant general, and he accepted. He then did that until he died of acute laryngitis.