Chains Timeline

  • Isabel and Ruth get sold

    This is the day Isabel and Ruth get sold to the Locktons and prepare to have a diffrent life.
  • Isabel and Ruth first day in Long Island

    Isabel and Ruth first come to Long Island unwear of how life is going to be next.
  • Lady Seymour

    Mr Lockton has just went to jail so Madam Lockton sends Isabel to get lady Seymour to help her through it.
  • The Hanging

    When the people planned to kill George Washington and when the Loyalist figured out what they were doing they hanged the people who didn't escape in time
  • Epilepsy

    Ruth had her first seizure in front of Madam Lockton, and Madam did not react well and said that Ruth had the devil inside of her.
  • Isabel and Colonel Regan

    Isabel runs away after getting beaten and goes to Colonel Regan to convince him to be able get Ruth and her freed from the Locktons.So there is no more torche
  • Key Words

    Isabel went to tell Curzon that they planned to kill the general when she got stopped, and told the code words, ad astra, to come back and tell them anything more she heard.
  • Where is Ruth

    This is the first time Isabel notices that Ruth is gone and Madam Lockton get into a fight because Isabel thinks she sold or killed Ruth.
  • The letter I

    Isabel did not follow Madam Locton's rules so she gets branded with the letter I for insolence.
  • Isabel "seeing" family

    After getting branded with the letter I Isabel kept on having hallucanations of her family that was not really there
  • Period: to


    Isabel awoke and there was a fire. Lady Seymour made Isabel carry a few of her prized possessions but could not grab many since the fire was coming up on them quickly. Isabel even had to help Lady Seymour down the stairs since she had injured herself.
  • Curzon in Jail

    Curzon got put in jail for being a runaway rebel who had planned to help with the war.
  • Day Off and New Shoes

    On Christmas slaves get a day off with no work but before Isabel could get off she had to do a few things for Madam Lockton. Lady Seymour gave her some new shoes, but Madam Lockton gave Isabel nothing.
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    Sarah is giving birth to her baby and Isabel wants to see but she doesn't go down to see the babe until after Sarah stops hollering. Sarah names the baby George after the king.
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    Isabel went to the jail and tricked the guards so that they thought Curzon was dead, then she rolled them to the lake and paddled them all the way to Rhode Island.