Boston Massacre
Crowds begin to harass the British troops. DontThrowSnowBalls #DontHarassTheSoldiers #R.I.P5Civillians #TryingToDoOurJob -
Boston Tea Party
AmericansAsIndians #TheySpilledTheTea #OneLumpOrTwo #StupidTeaTaxes -
Revolutionary War Begins
The thirteen colonies and Britain began a war with a disagreement about the thirteen colonies' independence ThisMeansWar #I'mBreakingUpWithYou #IJustWantToBeFree -
Chains Begins
Chains begins with Isabel and Ruth headed to a funeral for their owner. They're left with their owner's nephew who doesn't hesitate to sell them to the Locktons. #R.I.POwner #RobertIsAJerk #SoldAtTavern #JustWantedToBeFree #LocktonsAreAlsoAJerk -
Declaration Of Independence
On July 4th congress issues Declaration of Independence. We'reGonnaBeFree! #NoMoreKingGeorgeIII #StupidBritain -
Ruth Is Sold