Ch7/Ch12 Timeline

  • 1200 BCE

    The Olmec built what may be the oldest culture in Mesoamerica

    The Olmec built what may be the oldest culture in Mesoamerica
  • 500

    Mayan cities flourish in Mesoamerica

  • 600

    Pacal II built many structures considered to be some of the best examples of maya architecture

  • 1420

    Portugal begins mapping the coast of Africa

  • 1438

    Pachacuti builds Inca Empire

    Pachacuti builds Inca Empire
  • 1492

    Columbus reaches the Americas

  • 1497

    John Cabot explored the North American coast

    John Cabot explored the North American coast
  • 1500

    Two new groups the Apache and the Navajo settled in the southwest

    Two new groups the Apache and the Navajo settled in the southwest
  • 1518

    Spain hired Ferdinand Magellan for an exploration voyage

    Spain hired Ferdinand Magellan for an exploration voyage
  • 1524

    France sent Giovanni da Verrazano to find a northern route to Asia

  • 1570

    Eastern Wood;and peoples form Iroquis Confederacy

  • Dutch begin Asian spice trade