
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    taxed molasses and sugar
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    purchased only with silver coins if not purchesed you could be fined or in jail.
  • declararety act

    declararety act
    parliament declares it has power to make laws for the colonies
    "in case of what so ever"
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    it taxes glass,lead,paper,tea

    you will need a reason to tax
  • contental congress meets

    contental congress meets
    all colonies but Georgia has Representatives
  • redcoats

    genral gage brings thousands of redcoats to boston
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    midnight ride of paul revere
    he is warning the sons of liberty that the british are coming
  • battles of lexington and concored

    battles of lexington and concored
    the first american battle of the revolutionary war
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

    capture of fort ticonderoga
    arnolled and ethan alled capture the fort. they get all the supplies in the fort. american victory
  • second continental meet

    second continental meet
    they print money. they make a post office. they made a continental army led by george washington
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    they fought on breeds hill. they cant fire till they see the white of there eyes. british victory