Ch 23: The Scientific Revolution and the New Learning

  • Jan 1, 1543

    Andreas Vesalius publishes the first accurate analysis of human anatomy

    Andreas Vesalius publishes the first accurate analysis of human anatomy
    Vesalius' treatise, "On the Workings of the Human Body" the bible for seventeenth-century medical science
  • Galileo Galilei further advances Kepler's research

    Galileo Galilei further advances Kepler's research
    Galileo improves the design of Dutch telescopes to obtain three-power magnification.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Kepler writes three laws of planetary motion challenging older theory's that the solar system moved in circular motion
  • The compound microscope is invented

    The compound microscope is invented
    The microscope was invented by Hans Lippershey an Zacharias Janssen
  • William Harvey describes how blood travels through the human body

     William Harvey describes how blood travels through the human body
    Harvey publishes 'An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals'
  • Francis Bacon dies during one of his experiments working with snow

    Francis Bacon dies during one of his experiments working with snow
    Bacon published "Novum Organum" (1620) and "Of Studies from Essays" (1625)
  • Galileo published, Dialogue Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World

    He was brought to trial before the Roman Catholic Church. He was placed under house arrest and his publications were banned from the Church.
  • The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp

    The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp
    Rembrandt Van Rijn paints a dissection witnessed by students. This Baroque style painting is so dramatic. During the Scientific Revolution and advancement in human anatomy this painting captures just that.
  • Rene Descartes investigates deductive reasoning

    Rene Descartes investigates deductive reasoning
    Descartes begins "Discourse" by calling everything into doubt.
  • Blaise Pascal invents a mechanical calculator

    Blaise Pascal invents a mechanical calculator
  • Queen Christina of Sweeden and Her Court

    Queen Christina of Sweeden and Her Court
    Pierre Louis Dumesnil The Younger paints the monarch with scholars and artists in Her court. In the right of this painting is Descartes explaining his work to the Queen.
  • Pascal invents the mercury barometer

    Pascal invents the mercury barometer
  • View of Delft

    View of Delft
    Jan Vermeer a Dutch artist paints the beautiful landscape of Delft. Many Dutch artist painted natrual landscapes taking pride in their home towns.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek 'The Father of Microbiology

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek 'The Father of Microbiology
    Leeuwenhoek builds a better microscope and makes numerous discoveries. Protozoa and sperm cells from both humans & animals are just a couple. He also corresponds with the Royal Society of London reporting what he saw and later his letters are published
  • Portrait of a Family Making Music

    Portrait of a Family Making Music
    Pieter De Hooch a Baroque style artist paints on musical education. This painting is that of another lesson as they seem to be learning how to play music.
  • The Drawing Lesson

    The Drawing Lesson
    Jan Steen paints a scene full of different objects. The painting portrays a studio full of artist teaching materials. This scene captures a lesson given by the artist to two females.
  • The Geographer

    The Geographer
    Jan Vermeer paints "The Geographer"
  • Vanitas Still Life

    Vanitas Still Life
    Maria Van Oosterwyck paints a scene that are symbols. "Vanitas," suggest the corrupt of worldly goods, riches, and the inevitability of death
  • Isaac Newton takes gravity to a new level

    Isaac Newton takes gravity to a new level
    Newton publishes 'Principia Mathematica'
  • John Locke & his principals of knowledge

    John Locke & his principals of knowledge
    Locke publishes, 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding'