ch.18 and 19 timelines

  • 1571

    Rise of Ottoman Turks

    Ottoman Turks expanded with settlement and military power with Janissaries
  • Mongol Dynasty

    mongol dynasty was created Akbar and his ability with military force to take over territories
  • europe crisis

    The Crisis in Europe was about war in europe over religion and which religion is superior. The problems in europe were also blamed on witchcraft, which accused random people of which were mostly women
  • War and revolution in England

    In this time period some people didn't agree with the England government and wanted separation from them so they created a revolution repealing against European laws and then sparked a civil war which later will create our country
  • The Ottomans and the Ṣafavids

    The Ottoman Turks started to lose power and territory. Then in central Asia conflict grew then raise of safavids. after the raise of safavids so did conflict with Turks. in 18th century safavids started to collapse, turks then took advantage and defated safavids
  • Absolutism in Europe

    absolutism throughout europe started in France famously from Louis XIV and then spread throughout Europe
  • Art after Renaissance

    The art in Europe started to decline because of mannerism which imerged in Italy from 1520-1530s. Then in the late 1600s to early 1700s sparked a era with drama and creative with William Shakespeare writings