Ch 13 timelie

  • 220

    End of the Han Dynasty

    End of the Han Dynasty
    After the collapse Chine fell into a period of anarchy for nearly 400 years.
  • Period: 589 to 618

    Sui Dynasty

    The emperor of the Sui dynasty Unified China through repression and violence. The greatest achievement is the formation of the great canal which would help trade
  • Period: 618 to 907

    Tang Dynasty

    For the first time in a while China enjoyed some sort of stability when the Tang Empire ruled. The Dynasty later collapsed after a rebellion fight
  • Period: 713 to 756

    Xuanzong rule as emperor

    Under his rule the Tang empires power peaked but he also saw the downfall of the empire due to his neglect of politics
  • Period: 841 to 847

    Rule of Emperor Wuzong

    During his rule there was open Buddhist persecution, he destroyed shrines and monasteries and made monks and nuns return to civilian lives
  • 907

    End of Tang dynasty

    End of Tang dynasty
    After Lushan Rebellion the Tang Dynasty never really regained it power and collapsed in 907
  • Period: 960 to 1279

    The Song Dynasty

    Under the Song Dynasty China Prospered and the arts flourished. They increased government improved agriculture and they even discovered gunpowder and how to make guns and fireworks.
  • 1050

    Invention of block printing

    The Chinese Developed a form of art where you carved into a black of wood then using ink printed it onto a surface.
  • 1100

    Invention of gunpowder

    When the Chinese discovered gunpowder ans the Song Dynasty were the first to make guns
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Mongol dynasty rules all of China

    After defeating the Song Dynasty The Yuan Dynasty which was rules by Mongols ruled over china. Making it Chinas first foreign rulers