Discussed project with computer teacher
Asked computer teacher if she knew of anyone attempting new technology-she suggested asking Elizabeth -
Discussed Project with Elizabeth
Approached Elizabeth to discuss the possibility of working on project together -
First meeting
Discussed project in depth-we agreed to do something with reading fluency. -
Plan to meet again next week
We plan to meet in the next week to iron out exactly what we will be doing. -
Period: to
Step-A testing
We agreed to put the project aside until the Dakota Step-Alternate test window is done. -
Possible change to type of project?
Period: to
Beth's turn?
Met March 20-agreed to wait until after testing is done so we're not adding -
snow day-testing cancelled and pushed back
snow day-testing cancelled and pushed back
snow day-testing cancelled and pushed back
Officially changing type of project
Set up Edmodo
Students become members of Edmodo Group
Early release snow day -
Students watch video and comment
discover comments must be approved before they will appear -
Longer comments!
a new video and longer comments!