Cesar Chavez Born
Csar Estrada Chavez born in San Luis, AZ -
Family Loses Farm
Chavez's family loses their farm and work as migrant workers. -
Moves to California
Chavez's family moves to California, working as farm laborers. -
Chavez Works Full Time
After graduating from 8th grade, Chavez becomes a full-time farm worker to help support his family (his father had recently been hurt in a car accident). -
Chavez refuses to be seggregated
Chavez challenges segregation (white vs. Mexican) and refuses to sit in the Mexican section of a theater; he is held in custody for an hour. -
Chavez Entered WWII
Chavez fought in World War 2, in the US Navy. -
Chavez Exits the Navy
Leaves Navy -
Chavez Marries
Chavez and Helen Fabela are married. -
Chavez joins CSO
Chavez joins the Community Service Organization (CSO). -
NFWA Formed by Chavez
Chavez forms the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). -
NFWA Newspaper Started
Chavez starts El Malcriado: The Voice of the Farm Worker, the official newspaper of the NFWA. -
Grape Boycott
The NFWA, primarily made up of Mexican Americans, joins the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC), primarily made up of Filipino Americans, who had begun striking against grape growers in Delano. -
Senator Kennedy Supports NFWA
Senator Robert Kennedy supports the NFWA grape boycott. -
March from Delano to Sacramento
Chavez leads a 250-mile march from Delano to Sacramento, California, to let the public and law-makers know about the mistreatment of farm workers. -
NFWA and AWOC Merge
Chavez Starts First Hunger Strike
Chavez starts his first hunger strike; it lasts for 25 days in February and March (it was done to stop violence against strikers). -
Hunger Strike Ends
Chavez starts his first hunger strike; it lasts for 25 days in February and March (it was done to stop violence against strikers). -
California Grape Boycott Nationwide
The nationwide boycott of California grapes begins. -
Pesticide use is regulated.
Chavez Jailed
Chavez is jailed for defying a court order against boycotting. -
NFWA Changes to NFW
The name of the NFWA changes to United Farm Workers (UFW). -
CLRA Passed
The California Labor Relations Act was passed; it was the first law that protected the rights of organizations of farm laborers . -
March Through Central Valley
Chavez leads a 1,000 mile march through the Central Valley of California, in order to call attention to the union elections. -
Short Handled Hoe Banned
The use of the short-handled hoe (el cortito) is banned by the Supreme Court. -
Lettuce and Grape Boycott Ends
Chavez announces that all general lettuce and grape boycotts are ended. -
Another Grape Boycott Starts
Chavez announces a new grape boycott, due the excessive use of pesticides -
Wrath of Grapes Produced
The UFW produces a film call The Wrath of Grapes, about the dangerous use of pesticides on food. -
March for Better Working Conditions
Chavez leads a 1,000-person march calling for improved working conditions in farms. -
Chavez Dies During Fast
Cesar Estrada Chavez dies during a fast. -
Chavez is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Chavez Stamp Issued
The US Post Office issues a Cesar Chavez stamp (first class, 37¢).