Foundations for European Science
European atomic physics laboratory and would not only unite European scientists but also allow them to share the increasing costs of nuclear physics facilities. -
The First Accelerator Begins Operation
it provided beams for CERN’s first particle and nuclear physics experiments. -
The PS Starts Up
The Proton Synchrotron (PS) accelerated protons for the first time on 24 November 1959, becoming for a brief period the world’s highest energy particle accelerator. -
George Charpak Revolutionizes Detection
'multiwire proportional chamber', a gas-filled box with a large number of parallel detector wires, each connected to individual amplifiers. Linked to a computer, it could achieve a counting rate a thousand times better than existing detectors. The invention revolutionized particle detection, which passed from the manual to the electronic era. -
The World's First Proton-Proton Collider
ISR produced the world’s first proton–proton collisions on 27 January 1971, providing CERN with valuable knowledge and expertise for its subsequent colliding-beam projects. -
Neutral Currents are Revealed
major advance in understanding the fundamental particles of matter and their interactions.
Interactions determine the structure of matter from the cosmic scale of stars and galaxies to the microscopic scale of atoms and particles -
The SPS is Comissioned
he Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) was the first of CERN’s giant rings. Built in a tunnel, it was also the first accelerator to cross the Franco–Swiss border. the last link in the accelerator chain providing beams for the Large Hadron Collider. -
Discover of The W and Z particles
o convert the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) into a proton–antiproton collider. The invention of a technique called stochastic cooling, which would allow sufficient numbers of antiprotons to be accumulated to make a beam, was the key to the success of this project. -
Heavy-ion Collisions Begin
nuclei containing many neutrons and protons – in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The aim was to ‘deconfine’ the quarks by smashing the heavy ions into appropriate targets quark and gluton type of plasma -
Giant LEP takes its First Step
he Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider was – and still is - the largest electron-positron accelerator ever built.
helped complete the ring -
Tim Berners - Lee Invents the Web
istributed information system for the Laboratory and for information sharing between scientists all over the world -
First Observation of Antihydrogen
This was the first time that antimatter particles had been brought together to make complete atoms, and the first step in a programme to make detailed measurements of antihydrogen. -
Thousands of Cold Antihydrogen Atoms
Cold antihydrogen will be a new tool for precision studies in a broad range of science. Most fundamental will be the comparison of the interaction of hydrogen and antihydrogen with electromagnetic and gravitational fields. -
CERN Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
the Globe is an iconic wooden structure first used for the Swiss national exhibition in 2002 as a pavilion dedicated to the theme of sustainable development. -
The LHC Starts Up
the Large Hadron Collider will embark on a new era of discovery at the high-energy frontier.
LHC experiments will address questions such as what gives matter its mass, what the invisible 96% of the Universe is made of, why nature prefers matter to antimatter and how matter evolved from the first instants of the Universe’s existence.