Innovations in Central Asia at this time are stunted due to lack of inventors and whatnot. -
Period: to
How did Central Asia change during these times??
Are we civil or barbaric?
People in Central Asia begin conflicts within their states between Barbarians and Civillians. This mainly happens between Christians and Russians.
Sources: http://www.slideshare.net/abirmingham/russia-1450-1750-6802134, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffalconapworldhistory.wikispaces.com%2F1450%2B-%2B1750%2B-%2BCentral%2BAsia&ei=Lw0QU6KCFoXayAG-tYHACQ&usg=AFQjCNG5Na1QXDKpyz19sS42nhmNBbq-wQ&bvm=bv.61965928,d.aWc&cad=rjt -
Ghengis Khan!
Betcha thought we got rid of him a long time ago! Well he's back! And this time he's taking over Central Asia through Russia. -
Tsarist Empire
Russia unites the Tsarist Empire including Central Asia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine at this time. -
Russian re-take over!
Russia regains control of Central Asia due to it's trading abilities. -
Qing's are losing control
Qing China is losing control of Central Asia, making it very easy for Russia to takeover and therefore hindering progressive behaviors of a growning industrial area by planting it with cotton. Darn it, Russia. -
Railroads are built all over Central Asia while Russia is in control of it! Thus trade routes in Central Asia became more prominent and European goods and traders were brought in. -
Nomads Starve!
Russians took control and had been using normads for slaves in order to grow food. Nomadic areas are used for other food production, meaning nomads have nowhere to grow their own crops. -
Rebellions against Russian control advance during the 1900's. -
China's takin' an intrest in Central Asia...Again.
China is taking an intrest. China once again has a growing intrest in the Central Asia area, many decades after it was freed by Russia from their rule. I find this intresting, that a former country that ruled is coming back to the area again. -