Cell Theory

  • Invention of Microscope

    Invention of Microscope
    In 1590, Hans Lippershey invented a machine that let people see a never before seen microscopic world. This event is important be cause without this machine no one would have discovered cells.
  • Period: to

    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

  • Period: to

    Robert Hooke

  • Period: to

    Jan Swammerdan

  • Micrographia

    The Micrographia, written by Robert Hooke, was a book. This book was the first piece of work committed to microscopical observation. I decided to add this to my time line because it is a great reference for other scientists who study micro organisms.
  • Microscopic organism is named a Cell

    Microscopic organism is named a Cell
    Before this organism was called a cell, it was called a animalcule. After looking at a piece of cork under a microscope, Robert Hooke decided to call them cells because it reminded him of a jail cell. This event is important because if this never happened we would not know what a cell was.
  • Cells are living organisms

    Cells are living organisms
    Robert Hooke say that these organisms had many qualities that other living things do. He then came to the conclusion that cells are living organisms. This is important because it opens up a door to so many questions and possible discoveries.
  • Cell, the basic component of living organisms

    Cell, the basic component of living organisms
    For years scientist wonder what was the smallest for of life. Then Robert Hooke found out that it was indeed living and is so small it is invisible to the naked eye. I wanted to add this to my timeline because my teachers told me about the classifications of living organisms when I was in lower grades. It is also part for the most famous Cell Theory.
  • Cell Theory was formed

    Cell Theory was formed
    In the 1830's Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden created the Cell Theory. All living organisms are composed of cells, The cell is the basic unit of life, Cells arise from pre-existing cells are what make up the cell theory. This is important because it is the main focus of this timeline.
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    Camillo Golgi

  • Period: to

    Carl Benda

  • Introduction of oil immersion lens

    Introduction of oil immersion lens
    This is a lens that you put into the microscope to see even closer into a substance. With this new addition to the microscope, scientist could look closer into the cell and see what it is made up of.
  • Study of nervous system /cells

    Study of nervous system /cells
    Nervous cells seemed to disprove the Cell Theory. They were soft and fragile to work with. This made them prone to deterioration. This is important because scientist were starting to look into something that disproves their original theory.
  • The Neuron Theory

    The Neuron Theory
    This is the theory that nervous cells communicate through the attaches cell unlike other cells that communicate through separated cells. This is important because it is another theory that corresponds with the cell theory.
  • Organelles are discovered

    Organelles are discovered
    Organelle are what makes up a cell, the components inside. Some examples are the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, and lysosomes. This is important because this is what a cell is made of and gives it it's functions.