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CC Plus WCH Spring Semester Timeline

  • 79

    Pompeii Falls Into Ruin

    Pompeii, the city in Rome known for its volcanic eruptions. It is also the city known for its blatant and suggestive paintings.
  • 1509

    Raphael's "The School Of Athens"

    Raphael painted "The School of Athens" to reflect the societal struggle with beliefs of "universals" and particulars".
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    Johannes Vermeer

    Johannes Vermeer is known for his portraits done during a time of rich religion. His paintings, unlike all the art of his time, did not reflect his religious view points. It was not until around the end of his career that his Catholic beliefs were made evident.
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    Jeremy Bentham

    Jeremy Bentham was the man who proposed that women and children were not to work under the harsh conditions in the work industry of that time.
  • The Publishing of the U.S. Constitution

    When the forefathers published their Constitution, they not only opened the way for thousands of free future generations, but they also made a reference to their past. Samuel Rutherford's Lex Rex was the base on which they wrote the Constitution.
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    The Second Great Awakening

    The Second Great Awaken was America's Christian revolution altering the religious view of many Americans and immigrants. It was also an inspiration for the artist Thomas Cole, and possibly many others.
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    Charles Darwin

    Darwin's was the man who's "Theory of Evolution" altered the entire course of religious history.
  • Thomas Cole Discovers The Second Great Awakening

    Thomas Cole moved to America as a young adult. The impact that the Second Great Awakening had on Cole influenced his art to a degree where in the rest of his paintings religious truth can be found.
  • Charles Darwin Publishes His Book "The Origin Of Species"

    The Origin Of Species was the book that first began Darwin's fame in the scientific world. His theory was the first to contained no trace of Biblical content that proved God's existence. This breakthrough opened the floodgates for many scientific debates about whether the Bible or Evolution is truly correct.
  • Monet's Art Reflects Reality As a Dream

    Monet was only one of many who did not paint the world as it was, but rather how they saw it to be. Monet was the painter that made this method of painting official. This lead to some of the greatest cultural alteration in art.
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    Modern Art of the Early 1900's

    Modern art was the break through in art where man was made to be less than man, and all natural qualities were lost. This impacted art for around half a century and is still found in art to this day.
  • Picasso Painted Les Damoiselles d'Avignon

    This painting by Picasso influenced art for ages to come. It opened the door for all modern art to stream through. Some of these influences are still seen in art today.
  • Wassily Kandinsky Wrote An Article

    The article was involving Kandinsky's view on how philosophy and art had lost all unity and moved to fragmentation. His article reflected that the unity of knowledge was lost and only two factors were left, extreme abstraction or extreme naturalism. This was what modern art was ultimately reflecting.
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    John Cage

    John Cage was one of many philosophers who believed that the universe was a universe of chance. He is known for his method in proving his belief. His reasoning was that he could produce music by chance.
  • T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land

    T.S. Eliot believed that the universe was a universe that was based on chance. He produced his poem "The Waste land" to prove his philosophy of life. Afterwards he became a Christian and his writing altered completely. His original poetry influenced many other poets to write as to prove that the universe was based on chance.
  • The Television Was Invented

    Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin were the men to invent the first television. According to Francis Schaeffer, this ultimately lead to manipulative and deceptive content that has, and continues to, destroy our society.
  • The Berlin Wall Was Built

    Walter Ulbricht was the man who enforced the Berlin wall be built to confide the people of East Germany by force.
  • Aldous Huxley Suggests Drugs

    During the 1950's, Aldous Huxley proposed the use of drugs as a solution to finding the meaning of life. This ultimately destroyed humanity's way of life. It created the foundation for The Youth Culture Explosion, and is found to be the life style of many unfortunate people today.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson's Genetic Engineering

    Crick and Watson made the discovery of the "double helix" also known as DNA. This lead to the desire of controlling the amount of children families could have, and what kind of people those children would become.
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    "Blow up", "Silence", and "Hour Of The Wolf"

    These three movies reflected the philosophical view point of a chance based universe. They reflect no absolute truth, just confusion and chaos.
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    The Youth Culture Explosion

    Society decided to teach youth that there were only two factors to life being personal peace and affluence. The youth generations of those four years fought against those morals with the use of drugs, and tried to prove that man had more to take from life. In the end they were only left with apathy.
  • Arthur Koestler Suggests the Super Tranquilizer

    Arthur Koestler proposed that a chemical agent be put into the public drinking water supplies in order to remove aggression from man. Many agreed with Koestler then and might still today.
  • Kermit Krantz's Idea of Birth Control

    Kermit Krantz had similar beliefs to Arthur Koestler when he suggested putting birth control pills into the public dinking water supplies to limit some families from having too many children. Many scientists agreed with hime then. In todays society many people are using birth control and abortion to control their number of children.
  • Kenneth Clark's Anti-aggression Drugs

    The proposal that Kenneth Clark offered was for all public officials to take an annual psychological test, in which if the results were negative they would be removed from office. This would ultimately give more power to those who were controlling the tests rather than the officials controlling society.
  • Social Media

    Starting in the 1990's social media was supposed to be a way to communicate and connect with friends and family. This took a dive and lead to deception and manipulation just like television. We see this in action even to this day.