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CC Plus WCH Fall Semester Timeline

  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar Declared Dictator For Life

    When Caesar was declared Dictator for Life, it was out of desire for an orderly civilization. Rome based it's living off of their army, and fell into destruction. Gangs terrorized Romans, and everyone sought power. Ultimately, Caesar came to rule, and was worshipped more as a god than a dictator.
  • 1 CE

    Jesus Was Born

    Jesus Christ was born as a human to save mankind from sin. His birth, life, death, and resurrection are found in art from as far back as 300 A.D. He inspired masterpieces of many famous artists, such as Berlinghiero, Van Eyck, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Dürer, Rembrandt, and many others.
  • 313

    Constantine Legalized Christianity

    During the 300's, Christians were being persecuted for only worshipping God. If they worshipped Caesar along with God, the Roman soldiers would have let them be. Since Christians refused, and only professed to worship God, they were persecuted. Come 313, Constantine allowed Christians to worship God, without being killed.
  • 330

    Byzantine Art

    Byzantine art had an enormous influence on artists of the first few centuries, and still does today. During the 4th century there were spontaneous outbursts of icons being painted, then destroyed. All this ultimately lead to what is seen in the Catholic Church today.
  • 381

    Christianity Became the State Religion

    Christianity, by this time, had been widely accepted by the Romans. By being so popular, Christianity became the state religion. This sparked many ideas for topics in art.
  • 500

    The Dramatic Change In Art

    Before the 6th century, art portrayed people as real, emotional humans. When around came the 6th century, the only people painted in art were painted as symbols, showing no feelings.
  • Period: 800 to 1000

    6th Century Art Climax

    During the 9th and the 11th century, artists were trying to portray more spiritual beings. This was the art of the time, and the early Christian art was lost.
  • Period: 1395 to 1400

    The Estimated Birth of Van Eyck

    Jan Van Eyck is the most well known artists of his time. Especially for his perfect scales and landscaping in his painting "The Lamb of God". It is not exactly known when he was born, but it is estimated around 1395, and 1400.
  • 1400


    Humanism was the emphasis on man, and taking the focus off of God. During this time, Biblical art was still being produced, leading the way to the Reformation.
  • 1441

    Van Eyck's Death

    Van Eyck, loved for his genius and artistic skills, died in 1441
  • 1475

    Michelangelo's Birth

    Michelangelo, the most famous sculptor in history, was born in 1475. He would later be known for his Biblical sculptures, and for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel.
  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther was a man who stood for his faith and belief in God. He thought that how the Church was translating the Bible, and how they taught it to the public was not how God intended it to be. In rebelling against the Church, Martin Luther opened the way for true Christianity.
  • Period: 1495 to 1528

    Dürer Helped Set the Stage for the Reformation

    Dürer's woodcarvings helped remind people of religion in a time of Humanism when no one cared about religion anymore.
  • Period: 1495 to 1498

    Da Vinci painted The Last Supper

    Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper, is one of the most famous depictions of Christ's last supper with the apostles. This helped remind people who Christ was, and what he did for us. Most of Da Vinci was not religious art in contrast with most artist's works of his day.
  • 1497

    Michelangelo Created "Pieta"

    As a young adult, Michelangelo carved the statue "Pieta" out of marble. His piece was so unbelievably realistic, that his peers could not believe that he was the artist behind it. This was just his warm up, his artistic skills would eventually carry him to more aw-inspiring masterpieces.
  • Period: 1501 to 1504

    Michelangelo Carves the statue of David

    The statue of David, was the first successful one-block carving of a man 14ft high. Many had tried and failed, but Michelangelo completed the challenge.
  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    Michelangelo Paints Sistine Chapel

    The one thing people think of when they hear "the Sistine Chapel" is Michelangelo. His paintings on the walls and ceiling of the church are what make it so memorable, with its Biblical sense of glory.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation, started by Martin Luther, impacted humanity by reshowing men what Christianity truly is, leading the back to the truth.
  • 1564

    Michelangelo's Death

    Michelangelo, a forever remembered artist died. Leaving inspiration for plenty of great artists to come.
  • Rutherford’s Lex Rex

    Lex Rex stands for "the law is king" in Latin. Rutherford’s idea was that the court should solely rely on the law to be the final authority.
  • English Bloodless Revolution

    England did not want their king to be in complete rule, so they put him into the power of the council. If the king wanted to make a country changing decision, he would first have to consult the council for their opinion.
  • Rousseau’s Idea of Freedom

    Rousseau thought that the life he lived was binding, in the sense that laws, and religion held him back from being who he should be. This influenced many men, who left their families in search of being completely free.
  • Period: to


    Napoleon helped lead in the Reign Of Terror, and helped spill the blood of many French men to gain power, and dictatorship over France.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    This was one of the revolutions that was uncivilized and killed hundreds of people. Rich men struck fear into the hearts of other rivals, fighting for power.
  • The Russian Revolution

    Wicked men fought for power over Russia, but only few men struck fear into the hearts of the people. Those men rose to power and terrorized and dictated the people of Russia.
  • Francis Schaeffer Born

    Francis Schaeffer was a Christian philosopher among many other occupations in his life time. He impacted many lives of his time through to this day with Biblical and spiritual truth. He even helped remind people of culture in this day and age when no one cares about it.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Non-Reason

    This was an age when man started to question himself, and look for the meaning of life. This resulted in dire consequences. Drugs, and demon worship, among others were all outcomes of man trying to find his purpose. These men made such an impact that we still see this today.
  • Francis Schaeffer-How Should We Then Live Series

    Francis released his "How Should We Then Live" series to the public. It is an extremely detailed series on art and culture throughout important timespans in history. This is one of the elements that he used to remind people of past culture.
  • Francis Schaeffer Death

    Francis Schaeffer left his great works behind him when he died. Unfortunately, he did not know how his knowledge and faith would help so many people to realize what culture was laid behind them, and the religion that laid before them.