
By CIrena2
  • Baby is Born

  • Period: to


  • Baby lifts chin up while on tummy/Lifts up body while on tummy

    Baby lifts chin up while on tummy/Lifts up body while on tummy
  • Holds head up on there own.

    Holds head up on there own.
  • Reaches for things without balance

    Reaches for things without balance
  • Rolls from back to side

    Rolls from back to side
  • Sits alone briefly

    Sits alone briefly
  • Baby completely rolls over from stomach to back

    Baby completely rolls over from stomach to back
  • Uses hands to reach

    Uses hands to reach
  • Sits up steadily

    Sits up steadily
  • Picks up large objects

    Picks up large objects
  • Eats with fingers

    Eats with fingers
  • Pulls self up using furniture

    Pulls self up using furniture
  • Spoon skills

    Spoon skills
  • Reaches for medium sixes things (how he got the hat)

    Reaches for medium sixes things (how he got the hat)
  • Crawls/ walks when led

    Crawls/ walks when led
  • Shows hand preference

    Shows hand preference
  • Picks up objects with fingers

    Picks up objects with fingers
  • Stans/ walks on own

    Stans/ walks on own
  • Baby Turns 1

    Baby Turns 1