Causes of World War I

  • The Triple Entente is Formed

    The Triple Entente is Formed
    The Triple Entente was a major defense alliance in Europe. It consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.
  • The Triple Alliance is Formed.

    The Triple Alliance is Formed.
    The Triple Aliiance was the second major defense alliance in Europe. It consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  • Austria-Hungary Takes Control of Bosnia

    Austria-Hungary Takes Control of Bosnia
    Bosnia and Herzegovina were under the control of the Ottoman Sultan in 1908, Austria-Hungary had administered the provinces since the Congress of Berlin in 1878, when the great powers of Europe awarded the Dual Monarchy the right to occupy the two provinces, with the legal title to remain with Turkey. As the provinces were wanted by both Austria and Hungary wanted Bosnia and Herzegovina for themselves.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated in Sarajevo

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated in Sarajevo
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand visited the Bosnian capital Sarajevo. As the royal entourage drove through the city, Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip stepped from the crowd and shot the Archduke and his wife Sophie. Princip was a member of The Black Hand.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand tipped off the war. They expected the war to be short with Serbia.
  • Germany Invaded Belgium

    Germany Invaded Belgium
    Germany invaded Belgium with a strategy called the Schlieffen Plan. This plan called for a holding action against Russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris; after France had fallen, the two German armies would defeat Russia. As German troops swept across Belgium, thousands of civilians fled in terror. In Brussels, the Belgian capital, an American war correspondent described the first major refugee crisis of the 20th century.
  • A German U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania

    A German U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania
    Of the 1,198 persons lost, 128 were Americans. Despite Germany’s explanation, Americans became outraged with Germany because of the loss of life. American public opinion turned against Germany and the Central Powers.
  • The First Battle of the Somme Begins

    The First Battle of the Somme Begins
    The first battle lasted until mid November. The British suffered 60,000 casualties the first day alone. Final casualties totaled about 1. 2 million. During this battle they used trench warfare.
  • The Zimmerman Note is Discovered

    The Zimmerman Note is Discovered
    The Zimmerman note is a telegram from the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico that wasintercepted by British agents. The telegram proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany and promised that if war with the United States broke out, Germany would support Mexico in recovering lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
  • The United States Declares War on Germany

    The United States Declares War on Germany
    President Wilson appeared before a joint session of Congress and asked for a declaration of war against Germany in order to "make the world safe for democracy." President Wilson and other Americans believed that war was a necessity to ensure future peace and freedom.