Causes of the World War I

  • Congress of Vienna

    Germany and Italy are divided. Germany is destroyed. Great Britain is converted in the first power.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    War between Germany and France. One of the consequences was the creation of the Germany Empire. Nationalist event
  • Unification of Germany amd Italy

    Nationalist event.
  • Alliance System

    Was created by the germans, because of fear caused by the treat of France. Militarist event.
  • Creation of Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance: Italy, Austria Hungary, Germany
    Militarist event
  • Great Britain has its major dominance in world

  • Japan defeats Russia in the Ruso-Japanese War

    This happens in the Russo-Japanese war. This also shocked Europe since and industrialized nation lost. Militarist event
  • Morocco Crises

    Great Britain bargains Morocco with France for retail spaces.
    Britain gave Morocco to France, but Moroccans wanted badly their independence. Imperialist event
  • Schlieffen Plan

    If Russia or France attacks, Germany would attack Russia through Belgium. Militarist event
  • Germany announces his support to Morocco to the independence.

    Germany showed support to Morocco, because of the triple alliance. Militarist event
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente: Russia, France, Britain
    Militarist event
  • Bosnia is taken from Turkey by Austria-Hungary

    Turkey was not industrialized so they lost wars. One of them being the one with Austria Hungary which cost them Bosnia.
    Imperialist event
  • Second crisis of Morocco.

    Germany protests against France for Morocco. War was avoided by a conference. France retain possession of Morocco in 1905. In 1911, Germany protest. Imperialist event. France give to Germany a part of the Congo.
  • Balkans Wars

    Balkans vs. Ottoman Empire. Imperialist event.
  • Balkans fought for each other’s possessions

    Balkans began to fight between each other. The Ottoman Empire isn't allied with anybody.
    Imperialist event
  • Ferdinand’s assassination

    This assassination is by Austria Hungary. Which was what triggered the war.
    Nationalist event
  • Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Consequence of Serbia not saying true to the deal. Militarist event.
  • Russia mobilizes its armed forces as Serbia's ally.

    To fight against Austria hungary. Militarist event.
  • Germany declares war on Russia.

    In favor of Austria Hungary. Militarist event.
  • France mobilizes its armed forces.

    Schlieffen plan on action. Militarist even
  • Germany occupied Luxembourg.

    Schiefflen plan in action too. Militarist event
  • Germany declares war on France

    Consequences of the alliances. Militarist event
  • Germany declares war and invades Belgium.

    Also Schlieffen plan. Militarist event.
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Germant got into France and as a result Great Britain declares war on Germany. Militarist event