The very first permanent Enlish colony was establised to provide frofit for the mother country. It was only after tobacco, an important cash crop was established that jamestown became a success. -
House of Burgesses
This colonial governing body allowed the colonists their first taste of self-government. Represenatives from each burgess or district would meet and establish taxes and laws for thiesr area. This had to meet with royal governor's aprroval but colonists still felt that they hadpower. -
Mayflower compact
the puritans from the plymouth colony (mass.) decided to create their own laws which established the important self-governing principle of majority rule. -
Triangular Trade
New england merchants traded basic supplies with the west indies in return for sugar and molasses (which could be made into rum) later africa was added to the route and the leg that transported slaves from the west coast of africa to the new england colonies became known as the middle passage this trade was often done without the involvment of the english government -
Navigation Act
England felt that the american colonies were gaining great profit thought overseas trade and wanted a greater share of profit these acts strictly enforced polocies that established brithan as the middle amn in colonial trade any ships had to pass though englans ports and have a mojority english or colonia crew on board english quthoirities also had aprroval over which countires could trade witht eh colonies this provision seriosly lesssend colonial profits -
John Peter Zenger
zenger was accused of sedition and libel by a roal officail who took offense to the newspaper mans criticism of limits on freee expression zenge was put on trial in fornt of a colonial jury who found him innocent because what he printed was the turth this decision is the basis for the fundimental american freedom of press -
Great Awakening
many coloniest began expresssing their religouis ideas though new chruches other than the church of england or anlican chruch this direct break with the officail religious authority in england shows that colonists began thinking for themselces and choosing to differ from the mother counrty -
French and Indian war
england and franch have been warring on and off for over one hundred years this time around the american colonists want to expand into the ohio valley and canada -
Albany plan of union
benammun franklin attempts to unite volinteers frin akk cinkubes ti establiush a common defence the plan didnt work but it was the first time the coloniest made something to creat a defence -
Proclomation of 1763
in an attpemp to settle the native along the fronites endland banned all colonies settlement past the appalachian mountains -
Stamp Act
englands lastest apptemp to get money from the colonies in the form of a direc tax on a variet of goods -
Boston Massacre
tension between coloniest and the standing army left from the french and indian war has been high many citizens fell that the soldiers were spying on them others resent the competition they present for local jobs.when soldiers begin fighting coloniest for jobs someone shoots into the crowd when the voilince ends five people dies -
Tea Act
in an effort ot ease tensions with their american colonists and save their lagging east india compay the birthis gorverment passes this act whiuch gives all colonists tea buiseess to the indi company but at a much lower proice to the comsimers -
Intorebal act
For punishment for the tea act british government vows revenge until the damage is paid for -
quarting act
this part of the intoraerable act was espacially unfuritaint the coloniest who felt that they should not have to shoiulder the resonoure of housoinga british soulder -
olive bracnch petition
a communitee of colonies fdraft a letter to the king of england asking for an end to fighting and vow obediance if cerntina demans are met -
Lesington and concord
fighting between colonist militias and birthis soldiers occur when gen gage finds out that colonist are stocpilin wepons -
Declriation of independence
Thomas jefferson drafts a document that is a list of complaints to brithian -
common sense
thomas paine statrs that id it obvios that england and her american coloines should noit remain united