Causes of the Revolutionary War

  • Jamestown

    The very first permanent English colony was established to provide profit for the mother country. It was only after tobacco, an important cash crop was established that Jamestown became a success.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    This colonial governing body allowed the coloniests their first tase of self-government. Representatives from eac burgess or district would meet and establish taxes and laws for their area. This had to meet with the royal governor's approval, but colonists still felt that they had power.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Puritans from the Plymouth colony (Mass.) decided to create their own laws, which established the important self-governing principle of majority rule.
  • Fundamental Orders of Conecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Conecticut
    First written constitution by a colony; limited the power of governent; majority rule, consent of the governed (the people), protected minority rights.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    New England merchants traded basic supplies with the West Indies in return for sugar and molasses, (which could be made into rum). Later Africa was added to the route and the leg that transported slaves from the West Coast of Africa to the New England colonies became known as the "Middle Passage". This trade was often done without the involvement of the English government.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Law granting religious freedom to all Christians (Protestant and Catholic) living in the Maryland colony (did not include Jewish religion).
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    England felt that the American colonies were gaining great profit through overseas trade and wanted a greater share of profit. These acts strictly enforced policies that established Britain as the middleman in colonial trade. Any ships had to pass through English ports and have a majority English or colonial crew on board. English authorities also had approval over which countries could trade with the colonies; this provision seriously lessended colonial profits.
  • Mercantilism

    Economic system that was beneficial to the home/mother country because of favorable trade balance (more exports than imports), accumulation of wealth (especially gold and silver), and colonies that provided raw materials and markets for goods.
  • John Peter Zenger

    John Peter Zenger
    Zenger was accused of sedition and libel by a royal official who took offense to the newspaper man's criticism of limits on free expression. Zenger was put on trial in front of a colonial jury who found him innocent because he printed was the truth. The decision is the basis for te fundamental American freedom of press.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Many colonists began expressing their religious ideas through new churches other than the Church of England or Anglican Church. This direct break with the official religious authority in England shows that the colonists began thinking for themselves and choosing to differ from the mother country.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    England and France have been warring on and off for over one hundred years. This time around, the American colonists want to expand into the Ohio Valley and Canada. The skirmish gets its name because England and her colonies were fighting against combined forces of France and her Native American allies. The Natives liked the French a lot more than the English because French are not heavily settled in the area and tended to be trading parterners.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin's attempt to unite volunteers from all colonies to establish a common defense. The plan didn't work but it was the first time colonists planned to unite to defend themselves without the help of England.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    In an attempt to settle the Natives along the frontier, England banned all colonial settlement past the Appalachian Mountains. This policy enraged the colonists who only fought the French and Indian War for more land.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    England's latest attempt to get money from the colonies comes in the form of a direct tax on a variety of goods. Things ranging from legal documents to decks of cards. The coloniest protest by going after custom agents and later organize a more effective boycott of English goods.
  • Boston Massarce

    Boston Massarce
    Tension between colonists and the standing army left over from the French and Indian War has been high. Many citizens feel that the soldiers were spying on them, others resent the competition they present for local jobs. When soldiers begin fighting colonists for jobs, someone shoots into the crowd. When the violence ends, five colonists are dead. To drum up support, Samual Adams and other patriots dub the skirmish a "massarce".
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This part of the Intolerable Acts were especially infuriating to the colonists who felt that they should not have to shoulder the responsibility of housing the British Army when they don't want them around in the first place. Few colonists actually had to have their privacy compromised but the idea of the possible doing so outraged many.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    In an effort to case tensions with their American colonists and save their lagging East India Company, the British government passes the act which gives all colonial tea busisness to the Indian company but at a much lower price to the consumer. Rather than be grateful, being cut out of their own business outrages the colonists. This is what led Samuel Adams and many others to dress up as Natives and act out the Boston Tea Party.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    In an effort to punish the members of the Boston community for the Boston Tea Party, the British government vows revenge until the damaged tea is completely paid for. Boston is hurt the worst by the closing of the local harbor, but other punishments such as a curfew and Marshall law are put into place which outrage citizens. Colonists from other areas are incensed by the behavior and these actions serve to distance more than just New Englanders from the crown.
  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    Fighting between colonial militias (minutemen) and British soldiers occur when Gen. Gage finds out that colonists are stockpiling weapons. When he tries to confiscate the arms he is met with armed resistance. The first shot between the two sides were fired in a crowd and no one is sure who shot first. Colonists offically became the enemy of the British and Boston was now held captive by the British Army.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    A committee of colonists draft a letter to the king of England asking for an end to fighting and vow obedience if certain demands are met. King George III refuses to even read the letter.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A popular pamphlet written by Thomas Paine states that it is obvious that England and her Amrican colonies should not remain united. The two are so vastly different that they can't have common goals and the rule of the monarchy is so oppresive that the colonies will never prosper under British rule. The only "common sense" is to declare independence. This helps persuade some colonists who had been against such actions.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson drafts a document that is a list of complaints against Britain. This list was designed to serve two purposes; one, to notify England and the rest of the world of America's intent and reasons for it, and secondly, it was to rally the colonists behind a great cause by inspiring them to throw off the shackles of oppression.