Causes of the revolutionary war

  • Jamestown

    The very first permanet English colony was established to provide profit for the mother country. It was only only after tobacco, an important cash crop was established that Jamestown became a success
  • house of burgesses

    house of burgesses
    This colonial government body allowed the colonist their first taste of self -government. Representatives from each burgess or district would meet and establish taxes and laws for their area. This had to meet with the royal governors approval, but colonist still felt that they had the power
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    The puritans from the plymouth colony (mass.) decide to create their own laws, which established the important self-governing principle of majority rule.
  • mercantilism

    economic system that was beneficial to the home/mother country because of favorable trade belance (more exports than imports), accumulation of wealthy (especially gold and silver), and colonies that provided raw materials and markets for goods.
  • Fundemental Orders of Conecticut

    Fundemental Orders of Conecticut
    First written constitution by colony limited the power of government mojority rule consent of the governed (the people) protected minority rights
  • Navigation acts

    Navigation acts
    England felt that the American colonies were gaining great profit thorough overseas trade and wanted a greatershare of profit. These acts strictly enforced policies that established Britain as the middleman in colonial trade. Any ships had to pass through english ports and have a majority English or colonial crew on board. English authorities also had approval over which countries could trade with the colonies this provision seriously lessened colonial profits
  • John Peter Zanger

    John Peter Zanger
    Zenger was accused of sedition and libel by a royal official who took offense to the newspaper mans criticism of limits on free expression. Zenger was put on trial in front of a colonial jury who found him innocent because what he printed was the truth. The decision is the basis for the fundamental american freedom of press.