Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war

  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

    Spread troughout southern China. Part or religious movement.
  • Period: to

    Russo Japanese War

    China lost territoy to Japan
  • China exploited

    China exploited
    •China continue to be exploited by foreign powers.
    •Double Tenth revolution/establishment of the Chinese Republic
  • Chinese Republic

    Chinese Republic
    Declared te creation of CR.
  • Double Tenth

    Double Tenth
    Dynasty was overthrown in a revolution known as the double tenth. A republic was created
  • Dr. Sun Yixian

    Dr. Sun Yixian
    •Sun Yixian became provisional president of the Republic
    •Creation of regional assemblies
  • Period: to

    Chinas military dictator

  • Japan

    •Japan's twenty-one demands. Yuan becames an emperior.
  • Yuan dies

    Yuan dies
    Yuan dies and the warlord era begins.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
  • Chinese Communist party formded (CCP)

    Chinese Communist party formded (CCP)
  • First United front stabalished between GMD and CCP

    First United front stabalished between GMD and CCP
  • Jian Jieshi leader of GMD

    Jian Jieshi leader of GMD
    •Also, norther expandition to crush the warlords of central and norther China.
  • Jian declares China now united/GMD against communist

    Jian declares China now united/GMD against communist