Period: to
Taiping Rebellion
Spread troughout southern China. Part or religious movement. -
Period: to
Russo Japanese War
China lost territoy to Japan -
China exploited
•China continue to be exploited by foreign powers.
•Double Tenth revolution/establishment of the Chinese Republic -
Chinese Republic
Declared te creation of CR. -
Double Tenth
Dynasty was overthrown in a revolution known as the double tenth. A republic was created -
Dr. Sun Yixian
•Sun Yixian became provisional president of the Republic
•Creation of regional assemblies -
Period: to
Chinas military dictator
•Japan's twenty-one demands. Yuan becames an emperior. -
Yuan dies
Yuan dies and the warlord era begins. -
May Fourth Movement
Chinese Communist party formded (CCP)
First United front stabalished between GMD and CCP
Jian Jieshi leader of GMD
•Also, norther expandition to crush the warlords of central and norther China. -
Jian declares China now united/GMD against communist