"Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war"

  • Opium War

    Against Great Britain
  • China VS Japan

    China was defeated and humiliated. They lose territory
  • Manchu Dinasty

    They ruled, having peasants in devastating conditions, as the population grow, also the unemployment
  • Russo Japanese War

  • Emperor´s death

  • Double Tent Revolution

    Creation of the "Chinese Republic"
    Sun Yixian was a Provisional President of China
  • The grand constitucional era

    Yuan Shikai Proclaimed himself president
    Hedessolved the National Assembly, was supported by European Powers.
    Ruled 12/18 Provinces.
    Established a Dictatorship
  • GMD emerged

    Its founder was Sun Yixian, his successor was Jiang Jieshi
  • Japanese 21 Demands

    China lose territory. Yuan accepted due to his fear and he lose popularity. This lead to rebellions
  • Yuan died

    This caused complete collapse in the Goverment. Lead to wars and descentralization of power.
  • Warlor era

    War in order to set aside the warlord domination. Provinces were divides
  • CCP was created

    Chinese comunist Party
    By Mao Tse-Tung
    The purpose was the rebirth of china with comunist ideals
  • May Fourth Movemet

    GMD and CCP commit an alliance. The main reason was "Poples livelyhood"
  • First United Front

    GMD and CCP paly together for the first time, with the purpose to unify China.
  • Shanghai Massacre

    Also knowed as "Purification Movement" or "White Terror"
    The GMD murdered all the communist and peasants form all ages.
  • Division of GMD and CCP

    With the previous events, those two elements split into different fornts
  • Mao´s Army retreats to Jiansi Mountains

  • End of warlord era

  • End of warlord era