
Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war

  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    China was ruled by the Imperial Manchu (Qing) Dynasty for the last 3 centuries (1644-1911). In those times, the mayority of population were peasants and had many disadvantages like paying taxes and starvation.
  • Taiping Rebelion

    Taiping Rebelion
    It was part religious movement and part political re-form movement; a large scale Rebellion fought between Qing Dynasty and Christian millenarian movement. It began to move away the centralized control.
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    This event was a revolution that over threw China´s last imperial dynasty (Qing) and established the Republic of China (ROC).
  • The rule of Yuan Shikai

    The rule of Yuan Shikai
    Yuan ruled China as a military dictator from 1912 until 1915. However, regionalism continued under Yuan’s rule and became the key obstacle to a united China. Sun’s party reformed as the
    Guomindang (GMD) in 1912, and declared itself a parliamentary party.
  • GMD

    The Guomindang (GMD) political party won the National Assembly
  • Foreign Intervation

    Foreign Intervation
    Japan sent the Twenty One Demands to China; control over factories, railways.
  • Warlords Era

    Warlords Era
    With the death of Yuan, China lost unity. China broke up into small states and provinces, each controlled by a warlord and his private army. These warlords ran their territories independently, organizing and taxing the people in their domains.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    Students led a mass demonstration in Beijing against the warlords, traditional Chinese culture and the
    Japanese. It was dedicated to change and the
    rebirth of China as a proud and independent nation.
  • CCP

    The Soviets had begun to invest in the GMD, providing aid and assistance to the party. The Soviets believed they could foster good relations with a nationalist China. As well as the GMD,
    another revolutionary party emerged during the warlord period, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    The CCP agreed to work with the GMD, both wanted a unified China. China. They agreed that the first step to this was to get rid of the warlords and also agreed that China needed to be free of the foreign imperialist powers.
  • Northern Expedition (1926-1928)

    Northern Expedition (1926-1928)
    Together with the communists, the GMD set out on the ‘Northern Expedition’ in 1926 to crush the warlords of central and northern China. This operation was a great success; by 1927, the GMD and the communists had captured Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing. They took Beijing in 1928.
  • White Terror (Shangai Masacre)

    White Terror (Shangai Masacre)
    The popular support for the communists was a key reason that Jiang Jieshi decided he could no longer tolerate them in the GMD. There could be no more cooperation. Jiang now expelled all communists from the GMD, and his attacks on the communists
    reached a peak in Shanghai in the ‘White Terror’, were 5,000 communists were shot and a "purification movement" was done..