Chinese civil war

Causes of the first period of the Chinese Civil War

  • Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers

    Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers
    Britain had defeated China in the Opium Wars, and subsequently the great Chinese Empire was carved up into spheres of influence by the Europeans, Americans and, at the end of the 19th century, by Japan.
  • Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers

    Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers
    China had been forced to sign unequal treaties that gave the imperialist powers extraordinary controls over Chinese trade, territory and ultimately sovereignty.
  • Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers

    Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers
    Taiping Rebellion wich was a part religious movement, and part political reform movement spread throughout southern China.
  • Long-term causes of the Chinese Civil War

    Long-term causes of the Chinese Civil War
    China was ruled by the imperial Manchu dynasty. Majority of the population were peasants. Plots of land were reduced, although at the same time landlords increased rents.
  • Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers

    Political weakness and the influence of foreign powers
    China lost more territory to Japan when it was part of the settlement in the Russo-Japanese War.
  • The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty

    The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty
    Political weakness of the Manchu dynasty intensified with the death of the Emperor and the succession of a two-year-old boy, Pu Yi.
  • The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty

    The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty
    The ruling dynasty was overthrown in a revolution known as the Double Tenth. A Republic was created. Most provinces declared themselves independent of Beijing.
  • The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty

    The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty
    Delegates from the "independent" provinces gathered in Nanjing to declare the creation of a Chinese Republic. A political exile, who had been in the USA during the revolution , was invited to be China's first president: Dr Sun Yixian.
  • The rule of Yuan Shikai

    The rule of Yuan Shikai
    Republican constitution had created regional assemblies.
  • The overthrow of the Machu dynasty

    The overthrow of the Machu dynasty
    Sun agreed for Yuan Shikai to be president of the new republic in exchange for the end of Manchu rule in China. Pu Yi abdicated.
  • The rule of Yuan Shikai

    The rule of Yuan Shikai
    Yuan's final miscalculation was to proclaim himselft Emperor. He died three months later.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    Two political movements developed in response to both the warlords and foreign influence in China. Students led a mass demonstration in Beijing against the warlords, traditional Chinese culture and the Japanese. It was dedicated to change and the rebirth of China as a proud and independent nation.
  • Communist and nationalists

    Communist and nationalists
    Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was officialy set up.
    CCP agreed to work with the GMD.
  • Attempt to unify China: the First United Front

    Attempt to unify China: the First United Front
    The GMD and the CCP wanted a unified China, so they formed the First United Front.
  • Communist and nationalists

    Communist and nationalists
    General Jiang Jieshi took leadership of the GMD.
  • Attempt to unify China: the First United Front

    Attempt to unify China: the First United Front
    Together with the communist, the GMD set out on the "Northern Expedition" to crush the warlords of central and northern China.
  • Attempt to unify China: the First United Front

    Attempt to unify China: the First United Front
    The GMD and the communist had captured Hangzhou, Shanghai and Najing. They took Beijing in the following year.
  • Immediate cause of the Chinese Civil War: the GMD attacks the CCP

    Immediate cause of the Chinese Civil War: the GMD attacks the CCP
    Jiang now expelled all communists from the GMD, and his attacks on the communists reached a peak in Shanghai in the "White Terror".
  • Attempt to unify China: the First United Front

    Attempt to unify China: the First United Front
    The GMD announced that it was the legitimate government of China and the new capital and seat of government would be Nanjing.
  • Immediate cause of the Chinese Civil War: the GMD attacks the CCP

    Immediate cause of the Chinese Civil War: the GMD attacks the CCP
    CCP was nearly crushed by the end of 1927. They decided that its only hope of survival was to flee into the mountains of Jiangsi. The GMD pursued them determined to destroy the communists. The civil war had begun.
  • Short-term causes of the Chinese Civil War

    Short-term causes of the Chinese Civil War
    Increasing lack of unity in the country.