Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war

  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    It spread throughout couthern China it was part of a religious movement and a political reform movement by only putting down after the death of millions chinese by regional armies
  • Socioeconomic factors

    Socioeconomic factors
    It was when china was ruled by the imperal Manchu dynasty and the life of the peasants was hard by working the land and they were extremply poor and they by paying the taxes paid the grat Manchu imperial court
  • Overthow of the Manchu dynasty

    Overthow of the Manchu dynasty
    The ruling dynasty was overthrow in a revolution know as the double tent, this revelion started when the goverment lost its control in the military forces so most provinces then declared themselves independent of Beijing
  • Republican constitution

    Republican constitution
    A republican constitution created regional assemblies which Yuan abolished in an attempt to centralize power, this act aliented the provincional powers especially as tax revenues were centrally controlled
  • Yuan as emperor

    Yuan as emperor
    Yuan´s finally miscalculation was to proclaim himself Emperor so he lost the support of the military forces and stood down
  • Increasing lack of unity

    Increasing lack of unity
    The increasing lack of unity provoce a regionalism or provincialism that was to play a significant role not only by causing the war also in its course and outcome
  • Warlor period

    Warlor period
    It increase the sense of humilation felt by most Chinese and coupled with their desire to get rid of foreign influence that led to an increase in nationalism during the decade of warlord rule
  • Bolshevik revolution

    Bolshevik revolution
    The Bolshevik government denounced the imperialists and sais that all contested border claims would be dropped so imperialism was perceived by many as the main cause of the problems of china
  • The first united front

    The first united front
    The GMD and the CCP wanted unified China they agreed that the d¿had to get rid of the warlords so they formed the first United Front and they agreed that China nedded to be free of the fereign imperialists powers
  • Communist and nationalist

    Communist and nationalist
    By the death´s Sun the GMD made little progress towards fulfilling their three principles they were limited by their lack of power beyond the south and the fact they had to rely on alliances with warlords due to the weakness of their military power