
Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war

  • Lost of unity in the Country and political weakness

    Lost of unity in the Country and political weakness
    After the death of Yuan, this event left China in a period without any political figure/representative. The Warlords system started, breaking the country into small provinces ruled by them
  • Period: to

    The warlord Era

    Each province was ruled independently, the government was not a centralized government. They had their own currency and language. This zones were militarized and abusive with the peasants and citizens in general. As charge big amount of taxes to people.
  • Abuses by the Warlords

    Abuses by the Warlords
    During this period, people felt the humilliation of this abusive system. Even more, the influence of foreign culture increased the anger of people and nationalists sentiments
  • Period: to

    May Fourth Movement

    As a response to this issue. Students started mass demonstrations in Beijing ti fight againts the warlords and to promote the traditional Chinese culture. In order to make China rebirth and turn into a independent Country.
  • CCP Front

    CCP Front
    In order to fight against the Warlord supremacy, the CCP front was set up by Mao Zedong, with a communist philosophy.
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    Both GMD and CCP Parties decided to join together in order to end the Warlord era and to liberate China from foreign imperialists powers and unify China.
  • GMD- Jiang Jieshi takes power

    GMD- Jiang Jieshi takes power
    After the death of Dr. Sun, Jiang Jieshi took the power over the party, introducing a compromised nationalists philosophy. However they lost control of some south zones and they were forced to make alliances with the warlords due the lack of strength.
  • Period: to

    Northern Expedition

    GMD and CCP together crushed the warlords of both north and central zones. They ended the Warlord period by taking Beijing in 1928, establishing the legitimate government of China. Also, the common interests of both parties ended and the alliance split up.
  • End of Alliance

    End of Alliance
    The difference in ideologies and the desire for the complete power of China, were enough reasons to convince the GMD to turn against the CCP. The Communists supported the working class infuenced by Marxists ideas. On the other side, the GMD supported the middle class and some landlords. Hence, the GMD decided to destroy the CCP to achieve its own aims.
  • ''White terror'' and purification movements

    ''White terror'' and purification movements
    The GMD started this attacks against the CCP by killing any communist, trade unionists and peasant leaders in China, in order to eliminate this ideology in the new China. About a quarter of million people were killed, eliminating the CCP followers and main leaders. This meant the beginning of the Civil War.