
Causes of the first period of Chinese civil war

By f.prieg
  • Socio-economic situation of China

    Socio-economic situation of China
    Peasants (majority of China´s population) were in extreme poverty. They worked the land but were not payed enough. Also, they faced starvation during floods and droughts.
  • Influence of foreign powers (political weakness)

    Influence of foreign powers (political weakness)
    European imperialists powers had humuliated China, which caused destability in China´s ruling. Inflation and corruption weakened the financial position of the country.
  • Overthrow of Manchu dynasty

    Overthrow of Manchu dynasty
    In October, the ruling dynasty was overthrown in a revolution (Double Tenth). After the government lost control of the military, most provinces declared themselves independent. A Republic began.
  • Yuan Shikai rulership

    Yuan Shikai rulership
    He ruled China as a military dictator until 1915. Regionalism eventually became the key obstacle for a united China. GMD was formed in 1912 and declared itself parliamentary party.
  • Sun Yixian

    Sun Yixian
    Yixian becomes China´s provisional president. He creates the Guomindang (GMD) and the party wins the majority of the positions in the parliament.
  • Regiolanism (political weakness)

    Regiolanism (political weakness)
    After the death of Yuan, China broke up into small states and provinces. Military governors known as "warlords" ran their territories independently. Peasants began to suffer constant wars.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    Students and intellectuals began a demosntration against the warlords in Beijing. They claimed, influenced by the revolution of Bolshevik, the rebirth of a proud and independent China.
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    As both CCP and GMD wanted to unify China, they agreed they would make an alliance to get rid of the warlords. This was enforced by the Third Principle of the GMD as it fit in the ideology of both parties.
  • Communists and nationalists

    Communists and nationalists
    GMD: "Three Principles" led by Jiang Jieshi. He was supported by the USSR as he did not show his real objective.
    CCP: Initially formed by intellectuals but had no military power. They were encouraged by the USSR to cooperate with the GMD
  • Massacre of Shangai

    Massacre of Shangai
    After ending up with the warlords, Jiang showed his real objective and expelled all communist of the GMD. After that, he elimiated over 5000 communists in Shangai.