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Causes of the Civil War Timeline ( Gisselle Cahoe, Victoria Hughes, Annalyce Serrano)

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This was a debate over where slavery would be allowed and where it would not. From this compromise 2 states entered as free states which were Maine and California but Missouri entered a slave state. This caused a line to be drawn which was called 36'30 line which decided whether slavery was allowed in a certain area. Over a little amount time things got better until it got worse again. For example, slave trade ended in Washington D.C, but then there were problems between New Mexico and Texas.
  • Fugitive Law

    Fugitive Law
    This law created was a part of the compromise of 1850. This law required citizens to capture runaway slaves. If a person did not follow this law they would be fined or put into prison for six months. Since that was created many Northerners hated it because it had forced to become a part of the system they were running in slavery, and also many African-Americans were set free but then captured again due to this law being created
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's cabin was a novel which was written by Harriett Beecher Stowe. This novel was created to give visual of the evil things that came with slavery. It would tell a story about an older slave who was whipped to death by his owner. When Northerners read this novel it changed their view on slavery but for Southerners they said that book was full of lies.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    This act Divides lands into Kansas and Nebraska territories. They decided that slavery issue would be decided by popular sovereignty. Due to pro-slavery and anti-slavery being in one area it lead to conflicts between the two. This lead many Northerners to believe that it went against the Missouri compromise.
  • Pottowatomie Creek Killings

    Pottowatomie Creek Killings
    Due to the many killings happening in Kansas John Brown and four of his sons, decide to take the law into their own hands. They rode into a small town and pulled five pro slavery men out of their beds in the middle of the night. They murdered all the men. John believed what he was doing was right because he God told him to do it. Even, though many Northerners were shocked of the situation even though they don't believe in slavery.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave. He lived in a free territory with his slave owner. But, then his owner moved into a slave state and the owner ended up dying. Then Scott had attorneys file a law suit for him. Which was sent to the Supreme Court, and he lost. The court ruled that he was property, and not a citizen therefor a lawsuit couldn't be placed, They ruled that Congress could not ban slavery in any of the territories. This repealed the Missouri Compromise.
  • Lincoln-Douglass Debate

    Lincoln-Douglass Debate
    Believed in deciding slavery by popular sovereignty. Lincoln believed that slavery shouldn't be allowed to spread into the territories.
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Raid on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown has returned. Brown led five African-Americans and thirteen Caucasians into Harper's Ferry. They had made a plan to raid the arsenal, and to start a slave revolt. But, then they ran into a problem which was that no slaves wanted to help. A lot of Brown's men ended up dying and Brown was arrested. He was trialed and was found guilty of murder and treason and was sentenced to death by Northerners. They considered him a "Martyr" which is someone who dies for their beliefs.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    When this election took place Lincoln ran against Douglass in the Presidential Election of 1860. Plus the Southern states did not like Lincoln or what he believed in. They overwhelmingly supported Douglass yet Lincoln still got elected. Southerners grew very angry. Said this showed it did not matter what their opinions were the North had too much power. Many Southerners talked of seceding from the Union.