
Causes of The Civil War

By Rg3457
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    Henry Clay asks congress to approve a line that separated northern free states from southern slave states with a "30,36" latitude line.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Congressman David Wilmot pushed the idea of slavery back into congress. The south has to defend their way of life and the north looks to end the crude practice.
  • Zachary Taylor was Elected

    Zachary Taylor was Elected
    President Zachary Taylor was elected and he set out to stop the spread of slavery
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Let the states vote on whether they were free or slave states, California became a free state. North not happy about the fugitive slave act.
  • Fillmore became President after Taylor's death.

    Fillmore became President after Taylor's death.
    Millard Fillmore became president when Zachary Taylor dies due to food poisoning. After Taylor's death the very inexperienced Fillmore approves the compromises of 1850
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    There was a law in the compromise that the slaves in the north without legal papers of freedom are to be taken back to their owners in the south. This sometimes made free men kidnapped and put into the life they weren't meant to have.
  • Uncle toms Cabin goes public

    Uncle toms Cabin goes public
    A local Massachusetts school teacher goes to the south for a vacation. During the visit she was shocked by how the south treated their slaves and published a book to show her fellow Americans the truth about the practice.
  • Pierce is elected

    Pierce is elected
    Candidate Franklin Pierce wins the presidential election and his son dies in a horrible accident on a train. The new president goes into office heartbroken and drunk.
  • Republic party is created

    Republic party is created
    The Republican party is created by anti-slavery activist.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska act

    The Kansas-Nebraska act
    Steven Douglas wanted a transcontinental railroad going through Illinois. In agreement the south wanted to have Kansas and Nebraska do popular sovereignty.
  • The Sumner Caning

    The Sumner Caning
    The senator Charles Sumner was a Senator from the north, one day he spoke about the action of a southern Senator and was critical about this slavery acts. Later that week a fellow southerner grabbed a cane and beat Sumner to the ground, no one in the
  • James Buchanan Appointed

    James Buchanan Appointed
    The president Buchanan started off poorly because he left all the slavery business to the supreme court, this made Buchanan probably the worst president in history.
  • Dread Scott case

    Dread Scott case
    Since Buchanan left slavery laws to the supreme court Dread Scott and all other slaves after him became legalized as Property and may not have the rights as a male at the time.