Missouri Compromise
It was an agreement that let Missouri enter the union as a slave state and it outlawed slavery in any territories. -
Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay's proposed agreement that allowed California to enter the union as a free state and divided the rest of Mexican Cession into two territories where slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty. -
Fugitive Slave Law
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was an attempt to overcome the barriers that were being set up by free states against the Fugitive Act of 1793. -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin publication
It's an anti-slave novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. -
Birth of the Republican Party
there were thirty men who felt that a new party has to be formed with the intention of stoppinh the spread of slavery throughout the United States. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
It was a law that allowed voters that were in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether or not to allow slavery. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
It was a case that was decided by the Supreme Court. It was seen as a landmark decision for the constitutionality and legality of slavery. -
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown had hopes that local slave populations would join in on the raid and through the raid’s success weapons would be given to slaves and freedom fighters throughout the country but the slaves never joined in. -
Election of 1860
When Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckinridge, Stephen A. Dougles, and John Bell all ran for presedent and Abraham Lincoln won. -
First Shots fired at Fort Sumter, SC
The general in command of the Confederate forces near Charleston Harbor, opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumter.