Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave act was passed by the United states in 1793 and 1850.it was for slaves that escaped to another territory or or state. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri wanted to become a slave state but they were already part of the slave and free states to they needed to add Maine to become a slave state. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Proviso was a compromise that helped with getting rid of slavery. And getting rid of slave states and having more free states. -
Compromise of 1850
The idea of this compromise was to stop the arugements between the north and the south. that talked about weather then should ban slavery in the south. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
Uncle Toms cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1851.It was based on slavery in the south and how it affected people in the south she focused on more of the brutal side of it. And it became a best seller and she sold many copies. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska act allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted to allow slavery or be a free state. -
Dred Scott Case
In 1857 Scott had been in a free state and territory where slavery had not been allowed. Scott wanted to sue his slave owner but he could not because slaves were not considered citizens and could not sue. -
Lincoln Douglass Debates
The debate was between Lincoln and Douglass and the idea of having slavery or not having slavery. Douglass wanted to have slavery but Lincoln strongly disagreed with Douglass and wanted to ban slavery entirely. -
John Browns Raid
John Brown led a small group of slaves into Harpers ferry Virgina. His plan was to move across the Appalachian Mountains and attract other slaves to his slaves this plan was pretty much doomed by the start of it. -
Lincolns election
In 1860 Lincoln got elected president -
Southern Sesscion
When Lincoln got elected the southern states knew that he wanted to ban slavery. The southern states left the union