U.S. Constitution- 3/5th Compromise 1787
A compromise between the north and south stating a slave is counted as 3/5 a person for the purposes of representation and tax. This event is an important cause that led to the civil war because it had an effect on pre-civil war political affairs due to uneven representation of slave holding states relative to voters -
Northwest Ordinance 1787
A law which provided a basis for governing the Northwest Territory. This event is an important cause lead to the civil war because slavery was banned in the New Territory. -
Fugitive Slave Act
Gave local authorities in both slave and free states the power to issue warrants to "remove" any black they believed to be an escaped slave this also made it a federal crime to help a runaway slave.This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because the Supreme Court ruled that while sfates were not compelled to enforce the federallaw, they could not override it with other enactments leaving slave catchers the only alternative left which was to kidnap runaways. -
Invention of cotton gin
A machine that reduced amount of time and cost of seperating cotton seeds from fiber making cotton more profitable.This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because the demand for slaves and land began to incease. -
Ban on slave importation
Congress bans the importation of slaves into any port or place within the United States.This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because due to the invention of the cotton gin and the increasing demand for slave labor, children of slaves became slaves themselves ensuring a self sustaining population in the south. -
Missouri Compromise
Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state with maine entering as a free state. This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because it resulted in creation of the 36'30 line where states above the line are free and those below are slave ,semi-solving the issue over slavery. -
Nat Turner Rebellion
A slave that led his followers near Richmond,Virginia intending to capture a nearby armory, killing almost 60 people before stopped. This event is an important cause that led to the Civil War because it led to more restrictive laws for slaves. -
South Carolina Nullification Crisis
South Carolina threatens to secede if the federal government attempts to collect tarriff duties of the "Tarriff of 1832". This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because it sparked the nullification of the union, eventually lead to the secession of the southern states and the formation of the Confederacy. -
Organization of Underground Railroad
An escape route through a network of people that helped slaves escape North. This event is an important cause that lead to the civil war because it resulted in the freedom of many enslaved african american men,women and children. -
Wilmot Proviso
A proposal to ban slavery in lands won from mexico, but was not passed. This event is an important cause that lead to the civil war because it would of banned slavery in lands won from mexico,new mexico, and maybe even future lands. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Brought an official end to the Mexican-American warand caused the us to gain New Mexico and California in exchange for leaving Mexico City and 15 million dollars. This event is an important cause that lead to the civil war because this new land now being claimed as new US territory reopened the question fo slavery and lead to "the compromise of 1850" and "The Kansas-Nebraska Act" -
Compromise of 1850
A 5 part compromise with california admitted as a free state , popular sovereignty, Slave trade is banned ,stricter fugitive slave law, and Texas gives up claim to new mexico. This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because of popular sovereignty the people decide on whether the state is slave or free. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A fictional story set in the pre-civil war following the lives of three slaves and their mistreatment and demoralization. This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because even though exaggerated, Northerners took Stowes book as the rule rather than the exception , started to make others willing to attempt to stop slavery. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
An act allowing citizens in the Kansas and Nebraska territories to decide locally whether to allow slavery or not. This event is an important cause that lead to the civil war because it allowed potential slavery expansion in places it had been banned. -
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas Territory dubbed by country as bleeding kansas because of the violence of raids and counter-raids by pro-slaver and anti-slavery supporters over the debate on whether kansas will be free or slave. This event is an important cause that led to the civil war because it was the first time pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters took extreme action which involved the burning of prestigious buildings causing the nation to be completely divided starting the civil war. -
Charles Sumner Attacked
Charles Sumner a Massachusetts senator gave speech "The Crime Against Kansas" attacking slavery and southerners which angered Preston Brooks a southerner and member of house,who two days later beat sumner witha a cane. This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because this incident amplified the growing hostility between the North and South in the prewar years -
Dred Scott Decision
A slave named Dred Scott living in Missouri went to court when he believed him and his wife were free when his slave master took them into a free territory.This event is an important cause that led to the Civil War because slaves were now considered property, and owners could take their property into free areas. -
John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry
Abolitionist John Brown attacked a federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia hoping to arm slaves and start a rebellion ,failed. This event is an important cause that led to the Civil War because it enraged southerners adding fuel to the fire for the secession of the states. -
Lincoln's Election
Abraham Lincoln a moderate Republican believed slaverh must not be allowed into territories, he won the election of 1860 without any southern support this angered the southerners that a president can be elected otherwise. This event is an important cause that lead to the Civil War because many seccessionists came out threatening to vouluntarily leave the union since they vouluntarily joined. -
South Carolina Secedes from Union
South Carolina leaves the union in response to Lincoln's election.This event is an important cause that led to the Civil War because 6 other states followed in south carolinas foot steps and formed the Confederate States of America beginning the Civil War itself.