What caused the civil war

Causes of the civil war

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Texas was paid $10,000,000 to scale back its land claims in the west. Washington D.C. was required to send all slave trade int he cities.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    It said that all fugitive slaves must be returned to their masters. The North felt this was a way of expanding the power and reach of slavery.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    It is a book about an old slave that is treated terribly by his master. Many joined the abolitionist movement after learning the hard lives as a slave.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on popular sovereignty.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Supreme court ruled that Dred Scott was property and not a citizen and had no right to sue. Missouri Compromise prohibiting slavery in the territories in the north.
  • Harper’s Ferry

    Harper’s Ferry
    Brown leads a group of men to attack the weapons arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Becomes a martyr in the North. The South sees to what extent North will do to end slavery.
  • Lincoln’s Election

    Lincoln’s Election
    The south started to secede. Lincoln’s election pushed the nation to the brink of war.
  • Attack on Ft. Sumter

    Attack on Ft. Sumter
    Fort nearly out of food and ammo are badly outnumbered. Surrendered the fort to the Southern Army. President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, the war begun.