Causes of the civil war

  • The ablisonist movement

    The abonlistonist movement was to stop the slavery
  • Slavery In America

    Slavery in America was going crazy because the south wouldn't give up their slave for nothing.
  • Missorri compromise of 1850

    Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state for that to happen manie had to enter as free state
  • Uncle Tom Cabin

    The book was so important because it was famous and every slave was reading it
  • Bleeding Kansas

    john brown killed 5 proslavery along pottawatomie creek
  • Dred Scott Descion

    He wanted to sew for the right of his freedom but they wouldn't because he was a slave
  • John Brown Raid On Hapers Farry

    He went to harpers farry to try to steal guns and go from plantation to plantation to set the slaves free and kill their slave owners and fight with the army
  • Abraham lincoln's Election

    2 months after he was elected for president south Carolina was the 1st to seceded