Causes of the Civil War

By Tommaso
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The states under the 36 parallel were to become slave states and the states above were to become free states, Missouri became a Slave state and Maine was made and became a Free state.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The north pushed the recognition that slavery was banned and they wanted to ban it in the north. It forced the Southern politicians take a stand on slaver, because they wanted to keep it
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    Zachary Taylor

    He was a war hero from the Mexican American War, he was a believer in nationalism and was strongly against the compromise of 1850 and wanted to keep slavery out of the frontier
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    It was 5 bills together, California became a free state while Utah and New Mexico became open to becoming slave states, the slave trade was banned in Washington D.C. (but not slavery itself) and Texas loses a lot of its land and the fugitive slave act was strengthened.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act made it illegal to help runaway slaves escape and get them as far north as possible, if you find a slave you have to return and many free black men were wrongfully taken. The North was very mad about ths and the South was very happy.
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    Millard Fillmore

    He was a self made man and Zachary Taylor's Vice President. He signed the Compromise of 1850, the fugitive slave act was the focus of his presidency. The south was mad at him because California became a free state and wasn't nominated by his party for re-election
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was a novel written by an abolitionist to expose what slavery really was like. The north was horrified by the stories and felt they had to do something the South instead felt insulted and thought they were being misrepresented and ended up to ban the book
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    Franklin Pierce

    He was the son of a revolutionary war hero, he wasn't well know. He signed the Kansas-Nebraska act but ignored the Bleeding Kansas, he was hated by pretty much everyone
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    The Republican party was founded by anti-slavery activists, the name select honor was Thomas Jefferson and the first republican president was Lincoln. The southerns were afraid of it but never voted for them
  • Kansas-Nebraska

    Stephen Douglas wanted the Trans-Continental railroad to go trough Chicago and lets the people of Kansas and Nebraska to vote if they want to be slave or free. Pro slaves enter Kansas and raid towns and make all the people that would vote free leave, abolitionists do the same. The Yankees are very violent. This comes to be known as Bleeding Kansas
  • Sumner Caning

    Sumner Caning
    Charles Sumner was a young northern congressman who denounced slavery and talked very bad about it and verbally attacked an elderly southern congressman's honor to point never done before. The next day a southern congressman repeatedly beat Sumner with his cane until he was unconscious. He became a southern hero
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    James Buchanan

    He was a democrat from Pennsylvania and thought the South should be allowed to have slaves, he was a dull politician. He was under the Dred Scott case but was not involved, he thought that the final word on slavery would be decided by the supreme court. He decided not to run again.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott was a slave who lived with his owner in a free state and sued his owner for his freedom.The case went to the supreme court and they ruled that they can't take away someone's life liberty and property and since he was property he was not allowed freedom. All of the compromises like the Missouri compromise are now unconstitutional and now slavery is everywhere. The north is furious and the South is very happy
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    These were several debates between Lincoln and Douglas, this were Lincoln gave his house divided speech. The southerns didn't want him at all costs.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    John Brown deided to raid and U.S. military Arsenal thnkin other abolitionists would join him but they didn't he was hung for treason and the north thought he was a martyr while the south thought he was a terrorist