
causes of the civil war

  • Missouri comprise

    Missouri comprise
    the bill was passed this is what it means no slavery above the 36 parallel and Missouri would be a slave state. but main would be a free state. the negotiator of this bill was none other than Henry clay. the south is real happy because they got what they wanted Missouri is a slave state.
  • wilmot proviso

    wilmot proviso
    the slavery was banned in northern states he brings up slavery in congress so now the south hast to defend why the have slavery in congress the says if you mind your bissinous we will mind our bissinus
  • zachary taylor

    zachary taylor
    He is a nationalist he wants to keep the country together he was a general he is a war hero keeps slavery from moving west and northern. against the comprise of 1850 would veto it. he was from Texas.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    California is a free state. the slave trade is banned in Washington d.c. the fugitive slave act was improved . Utah and mexico will be decided later to be a slave state or not to be a slave state.
  • Millard Fillmore

    Millard Fillmore
    he was from the wig party. he was the vice president to Zachary Taylor when he died he became president he from the north but, made the gape from north v.s. south bigger. he agreed to the comprise of 1850
  • fugitive slave act

    fugitive slave act
    the fugitive slave act allow the slave catcher to take any black person and bring the back to the south the north is not happy with it there are kidnappings everywhere on the other hand the south is very happy with this act black men and women must carry papers.
  • uncle tom's cabin

    uncle tom's cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe was the writer of this book. the north is horrified by this book. it talked about a family of slaves. this book exposed slavery this becomes the most read book next to the bible it sells 270,000 copies the south banned this book after some read this book they feel insulted. they say they got miss represented.
  • republican party

    republican party
    this party was made by anti slavery people this was founded in Jackson Michigan Abraham Lincoln was the first presedent in the republican the south will not vote for Abraham Lincoln
  • bleeding Kansas

    bleeding Kansas
    the north thinks that this is a bad act so they send them in get lots of people in there now the south does not have lots of people so, they do border raides burning houses down, killing women and children.
  • summer caning

    summer caning
    a north congress man was injure really bad by a southern congress man the beats up him for talking about slavery this man is a hero of the south he stood up for slavery and receives canes in the mail to replace the one he broke the north is outraged congress is a palse for gentleman.
  • dread Scot case

    dread Scot case
    the north is out raged this makes every state a slave state this is not OK the south says this is a win this can push slavery northward because you take some one's property.