Causes of the Civil War

  • Dred Scott Case

    He first sued for his freedom and his Family in 1846. The U.S Supreme court did not rule on the case until 1857.
  • Wilmot Priviso

    Proposed territory acquired from mexico bans slavery. The Wilmot Proviso would provoke outrage in the south and set the stage for the 1850 compromise that temporarily.
  • Compromise Of 1850

    There were three terms.
    1. California was made into a free state
    2. Popular Sovereignty
    3. Fugitive slave act
    Everone thought the compromise was fair.
  • Fugitive Slave act

    The fugitive slave act was a law Forcing people in the north to return runaway enslaved Africans. The north was Furious.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle tom's Cabin was a book Pblished in 1852. A northern Abolitionst wanted to inspire people to resist the fugitive salve act.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska act was when Both of these states were Opened and Many abolitionst Want to make them Free and many slave Senates want them to be Slave states. Kansas ended up being Slave. Nebraska Ended up being freee state
  • Formation of the Republican party

    In 1854, Lincoln, along with a number of other former whigs, helped to create a new party.
  • Caning of Charles Sumner

    On may 22 1856 Congressmen preston brooks Walked into senate and attack his archival Charles Sumner. He beat him with a cane . Charles Sumner Didnt get back into congress until december 5th 1859 Because of his injuries.
  • Attack on Harper's Ferry

    16-18 abolitionist John brown and serveral Follwers Seized the united states Armory.
  • Election of 1860

    The election of 1860 was when Abraham Lincoln Became a canaitate in the running for U.S president. South Carolina Marched out to the union. Southern states Started forming A new nation called the confederance states.
  • Bleeding of Kansas

    Political Parties were too late to stop the Kansas-Nebraska Act. They didnt want The popular vote to be for slavery.
  • Secession(Fort Sumter)

    South Carolina Fired on Ferdal Troops Stationed at fort summer, in Charleston harbor.