Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Period: to

    Quing Dynasty

    Socio-economic and Political problems derivated from wars, rebellions and a not planned rapid growth, created an environment of tension between the population.
  • First Sino-Japanese War

    First Sino-Japanese War
    War fought between China and Japan for the influence in the area of Korea which China lost and caused discomfort between the population
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Rebellion against the foreign imperialist powers and its effects over the Chinese trade and economic politics.
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    The provinces of Japan declared independent from the Manchu dynasty
  • Deal: Sun Yixian and Yuan Shikai

    Deal: Sun Yixian and Yuan Shikai
    Sun Yixian and Yuan Shikai agreed to give a definitive end to the Qing Dynasty and they took the power of China, Yuan Shikai was the president.
  • Period: to

    Warlord Era

    Warlords Took control of specific areas of China.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    German colonies in China handed to the Japanese (Manchuria/Manchuko).
  • May 4th Movement

    May 4th Movement
    Movement for the abolishment of the warlords, repulsion of the Japanese and rebirth of China
  • Creation of the United Front

    Creation of the United Front
    Alliance between GMD and CCP for defeating Warlords.
  • Chiang Kai-shek becomes president.

    Chiang Kai-shek becomes president.
    Period recognized by the poor progress, and a corrupt government
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    Execution of Communist In China by the GMD.
  • Comminterm

    China received support from the Soviets communist through the program Communist International